Friday, May 10, 2013
3 down 2 to go
That's what my parents are thinking. One brother got married. The other 2 on their missions. Now it's only me and my sister left. You know it gets lonely at times(not really). You know how people say "In a blink of an eye you'll be off too." or something like that. So one time I blink my eyes really slowly hoping that suddenly I would be off too. Well, I was not as smart back then as you can tell.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
The rock
A long time ago me and my cousin collected rocks. My cousin collected any kind but I only collected really smooth rocks. I throw a couple of my rocks out and a while ago my cousin picked up a rock in my driveway and said "Isn't this your rock?" And I swear that it's the same rock I throw onto my drive way years ago. It's really a small world isn't it.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Core numbers
When our class a long time ago was learning about least common factors and the fibbanoty series (Don't know how to spell fibbanoty but the series is 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and it goes on and on.) Well I was doing least common factors (or whatever it is really called) and I figured out is when you do it when you stubble upon the last factor double it and continue. Every number in the end will come back to a few numbers. One being 7.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Weird but True
You know those "Weird but True" books? Well there awesome. They give you a whole bunch of weird but true facts(hence the name). Well anyway my cousin was reading one of my books and he says "I don't believe this one." And I walk over expecting it to be a ridiculous one that you know it's probably true but your first instinct tells you it's not. But nope. He points at the one about the die and how the opposite ends add up to 7. Ohhhh...... I thought was common knowledge by then but nope.
Monday, May 6, 2013
I think a lot
I like writing. It's rather fun. Hopefully I get creative writing next year for a class. Of course I hate writing at the same time. For example when we are practice writing and I get a topic that I don't relate to at all. As in "What sport do you play and why? Also include how good your at the sport and why." Of course I'm probably completely exaggerating the hardness scale but this is what would happen. "First of I don't play a sport and well yeah. Why do I not play a sport? Cause I don't feel like it. I'm pretty good at not doing a sport if I say so my self." Well any way I really hope creative writing isn't like that. But for all I know I didn't even get into creative writing. I might have possibly mythology. And for all I know that class will be like this: "Read all the Percy Jackson books and then get back to me when your finished....... class dismissed." Of course this will probably be VERY unlikely but who really knows(except the people who do know).
Sunday, May 5, 2013
One last thing for Equip's rules
I forgot to tell you how to figure the speeds coinage and thorns coinage. The speed is simple. Each speed costs 100 coins as in if you have 3 speed it costs 300 coins. Thorns is a bit more complicated. The 1st thorns you buy costs 100. 2nd 150. 3rd 200. And so on.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Heard this somewhere
When faced with two choices, simply toss a coin.
It works not because it settles the question for you.
But because in that brief moment when the coin is in the air,
you suddenly know what you are hoping for.
Make sure you read the post below!!! (:
It works not because it settles the question for you.
But because in that brief moment when the coin is in the air,
you suddenly know what you are hoping for.
Make sure you read the post below!!! (:
Two dreams I had last night
My first one was, my family was going on a vacation. Well there were these bees called Emperor Bees. They were HUGE. Well that was that dream. The second dream was I was sitting on a couch and a huge (not HUGE) black widow. And you know how black widows have the red hour glass on their belly well instead in my dream they have a button with a exclamation point on it that looked like it was in a video game. And if you press it they die. So I tried and tried but couldn't press it.