Random quote that gives me strength when I read it

Random quote that gives me strength when I read it: “When you say, ‘I can’t! I can’t solve my problems!’ I want to thunder out, ‘Don’t you realize who you are? Haven’t you learned yet that you are a son or a daughter of Almighty God? Do you not know that there are powerful resources inherited from Him that you can call upon to give you steadiness and courage and great power?’” ~ President Boyd K. Packer

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Boardgame List Redone

Dead of Winter is my new favorite game I guess. Dominion is number 2. Village is number 3.
Then it goes to the 3 games that are all similar but aren't quite the same. Hearthstone, Ashes, and Magic.
Hearthstone is different because you automatically get 1 more mana a turn.(unlike Magic where you have to have a mana in your hand.) And there are 9 classes. Each class with there own specific cards and power.
Ashes. Ashes is different because there is no mana ramp. Instead you start each round with 10 mana. Another thing that makes it different is the different phoenixborn(summoners). Each one has a different power, life total, Spellboard value(the amount of spells you can have), and Battlefield value.(the amount of units you can have on the board.) And each phoenixborn has a card that no one else can use.
Magic. Magic is different because there are no classes/phoenixborn. Any deck can have any card. You could look at magic as the original Collectible Card Game.(CCG)
Now the question is which do I prefer. Now that's the tricky thing. I like the gameplay for each game equally. So I rated them not on the gameplay but other things.
For example Hearthstone is rated the highest out of the 3 because it is an online card game. Meaning I can play whenever I want, not whenever other people want.
Then comes Ashes. Ashes is rated higher than Magic simply because it isn't a CCG. Instead it is a ECG(Expandable Card Game). Meaning that I don't have to waste money on buying cards, instead I just buy one thing and have the same cards as everyone else.
Wow that was a long explanation over the ratings of 3 games.
A few other changes. Terra Mystica has gone down. 7 Wonders has gone up. Mice and Mystics, Eldritch Horror and Summoner Wars have all gone down. Other than that there were only minor changes I believe.
One last thing to mention is that I added Flowers For Algernon to my Favorite Books list.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Found an Old SD Card PART 2

Part two. Birds.

Wow I had a lot of birds. There were 372 photos on the SD card when I found it and at least 200 of them were pictures of birds. I ended up deleting about 95% of them.

Lots of Birds (in case you can't tell)

Not only did I take pictures of living birds though, I also took pictures of dead ones.

First Dead Bird

Second Dead Bird