Saturday, February 12, 2022

SSBU Tourney Results (list explanation)

Explanation of the new list currently entitled "SSBU Tourney Results". (SSBU stands for Super Smash Brothers Ultimate)

Format of each item in list:

The first item: A link to this post.

The second item: The kind of but not really Official PGR. This is a website our region has been using to keep track of players' rankings within the region. It auto-ranks people based off how well they did in tournaments they have attended and such. 

There are debates on how well it does its job. It seems to weigh certain things more than many people in our region would weigh it. But we're giving it a shot regardless. I'm under the tag "Theo". (In case you're interested, my cousin, Ben, enters with the tag "MetaToaster".)

All other items:

Placement (out of number of people), Tournament Name. Money Won.

If clicked upon, they are linked to the tournament's bracket found on 

BLB stands for Blue Light Bash. These tournaments are the bigger, more important tournaments, which take place every Thursday. Most top players in Rexburg (and some surrounding areas) are there if they're able to make it. There are consistently over 30 attendants. It has a venue fee of 4 dollars. If you want to enter the prize pool, it's an additional 3 dollars. Top 4 players who entered the prize pool receive prize money. These tournaments factor into the official player rankings (the PGR).

FF stands for Free Fridays. These tournaments are a fun, lower-pressure way to get more experience. Hence the name, they take place every Friday (unless something comes up for the Tournament Organizer (the TO)) and are free to enter. These do not factor into the PGR. Only a few top level players come to these tournaments each week, and there are about 16 entrants each week. 

A Super Smash Brothers Melee bracket also takes place. You can also enter super fun side event brackets as well. Which side event depends on how the TO is feeling, but some possibilities include: Doubles, Squad Strike, Project M Squad Strike, Singles with certain items on, amongst other potential things. Doubles and Squad Strike are by far the most common, however.

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