Sunday, February 11, 2024

Two Paragraphs of My Short Story, "Auzzy Quite Liked Her Name"

(Title is a work in progress, but I do quite like it, so we'll see if it sticks.)

Wrote this post entitled "I Really Want to Write a Story", which is about, uh, how I really want to write a story.

I actually wrote that blog post before Christmas 2023, and since then the seed of a story idea has grown. As part of a Christmas gift to Hannah, I had her name the main character of this story I was crafting.
She chose the name Auzzy (Ah-zshe).

It still has a long way to go; don't expect any form of a finished product any time soon. But I wanted to post what I currently have for the first two paragraphs here because I like them and I wanted to share them. I hope you like them too:)

Auzzy quite liked her name. It was given to her by Hannah, after all, whom she was quite fond of. How does she know Hannah? You see, Auzzy was special and she knew it – in fact, the fact that she knew she was special was what made her special in the first place. Auzzy knew she was in a story.

Auzzy was 10 years old, was a very sweet girl, had red hair, and tried not to think too much about how her free will worked. She knew she had choices, even if those choices were technically written out by someone else. It was complicated. It was weird. She knew it. Her author knew it. But they were both content to simply be part of this fourth-wall-breaking tale together without too much fuss about what the heck is going on.

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