Sunday, May 1, 2022

SSBU Tourney Results (Updated List Explanation)

Just look at the stuff in bold. That's all that really matters.

Newest Change: Adding in my seed going into the tournament.

Explanation of the new list currently entitled "SSBU Tourney Results". (SSBU stands for Super Smash Brothers Ultimate)

Format of each item in list:

The first item: A link to this post.

The second item: A link to a recap of my previous season including all of my placements and such.

The third item: The kind of but not really Official PGR. This is a website our region has been using to keep track of players' rankings within the region. It auto-ranks people based off how well they did in tournaments they have attended and such.

There are debates on how well it does its job. It seems to weigh certain things more than many people in our region would weigh it. I'm under the tag "Theo".

All other items:

Placement (out of number of people), Seed #, Abbreviation of Tournament Name, Money Won.

If clicked upon, they are linked to the tournament's bracket found on

Newest tournaments will now be at the bottom of the list instead of the top.

My seed should help you (and me) see how well I should do vs how well I did. I think it'll help put a lot of things in prospective.

The tournaments taking place, their names, whether they're a weekly/bi-weekly/monthly etc. vary, especially compared to last semester, so I'm not going to try to list all the tournaments and describe them like I did for last semester.

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