Sunday, July 14, 2024

My Fav TØP Album

Note: I will be referencing the tier list found here quite a bit.

What's my favorite twenty one pilots album? It's a tough question. It's clear what my top 3 are simply based off looking at my top 25 songs.

8 are from Clancy, 7 are from Vessel, 5 are from Trench, 2 is from Self-Titled, 1 is from Blurryface, and 1 is from Scaled and Icy (and 1 is a single (Level of Concern)).

Vessel, Clancy, and Trench are clearly my top 3, but the order is tough.

I think the main question is what I value. Vessel is very top heavy. 4 of my top 10 songs, 7 of my top 20; this really points towards Vessel. But you've got some stragglers. Screen, The Run and Go, and House of Gold are sprinkled across a couple lower tiers.

Clancy also has an impressive top end, although not as impressive as Vessel. 2 of the top 10, 5 of the top 20. Once again, though, there are several songs that sprinkle the lower tiers (Lavish, Overcompensate, Midwest Indigo, Backslide, and At the Risk of Feeling Dumb). 

(Granted, in Midwest Indigo/Backslide case, 'A' tier doesn't hurt the case that much. And 'A-' with At the Risk of Feeling Dumb, The Run and Go, and House of Gold isn't bad either.)

Trench, on the other hand, is simply the king of consistency. Only 1 song in the top 10, and 4 songs in the top 20, both numbers being lower than both Vessel and Clancy. But NO songs lower than A tier. Trench dominates the upper tiers outside the top 10. 

Out of the 34 songs that appear in S+, S, S-, and A+, Trench holds 12 of those spots. Clancy with 6, and Vessel with 5. Trench is incredible with its consistent fantasticness. But can it really be my favorite album if it only has one song in my top 10? Idk, it's a great question.

Not too many moons ago, Ben, Eric, and I (we also go my dad involved) were tier listing meats and different ways you can have the same meat. I stated that chicken was almost always good regardless of its use, but rarely, if ever, S-Tier for me, and thus I felt I could not say it was my favorite meat. In that moment, I also knew and declared that Vessel was my favorite twenty one pilots album. 

(It was actually a pretty funny moment. It legit went like this: "I just really feel I can't say Chicken is ever my favorite since any individual way of making it isn't ever really my favorite... And thus, Vessel is my favorite album." Ben then went something like, "Yeah, that makes sense" without skipping a beat even though it was the first time music had gotten brought up at all during that conversation, hahaha. He instantly knew what I meant/was referring to.)

((Wait, only now just in: on a completely separate note, I feel this also makes me feel what I already believed: That Michael Jordan is the GOAT in basketball. Felt that was worth sharing. Anyway, back to music. (Okay, a little bit more context: I just value peak in regards to rankings more than consistency/longevity, I think. In other words, MJ > Lebron)))

I think it's important for my favorite of something to actually be amongst my all time favorites. And Vessel does that.

Now, it wouldn't surprise me if one day Trench or Clancy overtake Vessel -- my enjoyment of all the songs in those albums continue to grow (and, frankly, at a quicker pace than many songs in Vessel), but for now Vessel is still my favorite twenty one pilots album.

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