Tuesday, December 12, 2023

I Wanted to Post Today and a Thought about Filler Episodes

Today's important to me, so I wanted to post something. 

I suppose many days are important to me and I don't post on those, but I want to post today, so I am.

This is completely unrelated to why this day is important to me, but:

I had this thought the other day. It's spawned off a YouTube video I didn't actually watch. But the videos title, if I remember correctly, was "If Our Life had Filler Episodes".

This is, of course, in reference to filler episodes in anime. Filler episodes are episodes that just exist. They don't progress any plot lines. They don't really do much of anything. The characters do something random that doesn't matter in terms of the anime overall. You can easily watch the show without watching the filler episodes and be 100% okay.

And it just made me think: 

I don't want any filler episodes in my life. 

I want to do things every day that progress me or progress a storyline or progress whatever thing you want to connect from this analogy. I don't want there to be any days in my life where I could have just skipped over them and nothing would have changed.

And I thought it was a cool thought, so I thought I'd share.

Hope you enjoyed said thought.

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