Sunday, May 26, 2024

Lorcana Sealed Tournament Report

Overview/Tournament Structure:

Okay, so as I discussed in my previous post, I've been training Eric and Ben up for a Lorcana 6-Pack Sealed event for the past several days.

It was an 8-person tournament. 6-Pack Sealed means everyone gets 6 packs to open on the spot -- with those 72 cards, they make a 40-card deck. All deck-building restrictions do not apply, you can use any of the 72 cards in your 40-card deck.

We had 30 minutes to build our decks, and then it was Swiss format with 3 rounds, each round being a best 2 out of 3 with a 50 minute timer.

I was really happy with my packs. Got a solid curve with some solid units and a decent amount of battle tricks. Not too much card draw or removal, but enough. Also had a couple cards that can single-handedly win games in this format if the opponent doesn't have a response.

My Matches:

Sat across from my first round opponent. From his first two moves, I could tell the deck he made was probably not the best. Indeed: He played some weak cards and then a couple good trades open for me; I played solid cards on curve and took good trades when offered and won pretty easily. Including one game where Isabela Madrigal pretty much just won me the game (one of the couple of cards that I referenced that can single-handedly win games). I won 2-0.

My second round opponent was much tougher; looking into it after the tournament, it turns out he actually goes to a lot of Lorcana tournaments (37 on his account that I looked at (not all tournaments are necessarily run on that website with that account, but they might be)) and consistently preforms well. He had a lot of solid cards in his deck and made some good plays. I was able to keep better card advantage, however. I played higher cost units, which made my hand not run out as quickly. Once he ran out of cards and was just top-decking, I was able to take control of the board state and win the game. This also featured a game where Isabela Madrigal got immense value. I won 2-0.

My third round opponent was Ben. I had consistently beaten Ben in our sealed practice, but I was definitely nervous that I was going to lose when it mattered the most. Game one featured my Diablo (the most expensive legendary in the set right now that I just sold for $48.99 and is another card that can single-handedly win games (was very very happy to get this card 😁)). Diablo drew me 3 cards or so before Ben had a way to kill it; that card advantage alone did a ton to close out game 1.
In game 2, I was able to make some good trades utilizing Ice Block, including taking out a key early game threat he played by using Ice Block + Sisu. I won 2-0.

Final Results (including Ben's and Eric's):

I won :) :) Earned me 3 packs and a promo card, which is neat; I've never owned a promo card before. In the three packs, I opened a card I just sold online for $13.88.

Ben got 3rd! Was very proud of his performance. In his round 1, he barely won game 2 with 20 to 19 lore (you win by hitting 20 lore). I was watching game 2 and identified two major misplays his opponent could have done that would have caused him to win; regardless, Ben was the victory. His round 2 was against Eric; Ben won 2-0. His round 3 was against me, ofc.

Eric got 5th! Which I was also proud of. He beat his round 1 then lost to Ben and the person who got 2nd (my round 2 opponent).

Tons of fun; limited formats are an absolute blast. Really enjoying Lorcana right now and would definitely put it in my top 10 board games right now.

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