Sunday, June 23, 2024

Actual Brownie Points

So in line with things that I did in the past that I think are fantastic (the other being The Record*), I used to hand out actual brownie points when people did things that I felt warranted a brownie point. And then I would actually make them a pan of brownies once they reached 5 brownie points. It was fantastic.

If I remember correctly, Orin was actually the only one to ever reach 5 brownie points, and I did indeed deliver on my promise of making him a pan of brownies. He made several brownie points by asking if he could get one if he made ___ basketball shot and then proceeded to make ___ basketball shot; mostly half-court shots, I think. His 5th point I'm fairly confident came from a half-court shot.

I think Nathaniel is currently sitting at 4 brownie points, haha. Perhaps one day he'll earn his 5th. Frankly, him following through with his promise of replacing my copy of the Mistborn Trilogy several years after the fact when most people would have just forgotten is deserving of a brownie point. So maybe next time I see him, I'll have to bring that up and then make him a pan of brownies or something.

Thomas, well, we don't actually remember. When I asked if Thomas ever reached 5 brownie points, he said "I do not think so. But maybe. I feel like I remember getting brownies at some point." I pretty much had the exact same thoughts, haha.

Anyway/All in all/Point Being/To Sum Up/In Summary**: I think actual brownie points are fantastic. It's not a bit I currently plan on picking up again, but maybe one day I'll start awarding actual brownie points again; guess we'll have to wait and see.

*Side note about The Record: I've decided to not count my own; I have stopped using the phrase since I made the post, cutting myself off when I find myself about to say it lest I have to record it. So I will no longer record my own so I can go back to using the phrase when I want. I'm also not going to count videos/other media, only usages from my friends etc. Btw, definitely failed to write down one that Ben said, so, sorry Ben, it did not get recorded in The Record. 

Also, originally this whole thing was in parathesis in the parathesis, but I found it made the paragraph too big/clunky, so I'm experimenting with this footnote thing. I think I like it quite a bit.

**Just too many good transitions; they all felt good, but none of them felt perfect, so I decided to use all of them

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