Sunday, August 4, 2024

The Story Behind My Kiwi Stuffed Animal

So I have this really cool stuffed animal Kiwi that has quite the history I wanted to share. I share for two primary reasons: 1. I just think the history is fun. 2. I wanted to write the details down so I don't inevitably forget them.

I received the Kiwi on my mission, but it's journey to me is what makes it fun. The Transfer numbers are my transfer numbers; which transfer of mine the said events took place regardless of if I was there for them.

Summarized version can be found at the end.

Transfer ??: The Kiwi began it's journey with Elder Boxall, a chill Elder from New Zealand I didn't know very well; we played Spikeball together a time or two.

Transfer 3.5: Elder Boxall gave it to his brief companion Elder Niutupuivaha. Elder Niutupuivaha had several different companions including Elder Boxall during his first 3 weeks in the mission. 

"Elder Boxall and Elder Bonnamy were being sent home due to Covid and Elder Boxall left the kiwi behind in the Swahili apartment. So of course, I took it. It was soft enough to be a pillow and I knew a lot of 'kiwis' (New Zealanders) from my childhood growing up in Hawaii so it was a little tender mercy to have a piece of the islands pop up in my first days on the mission field." ~ Jordan Niutupuivaha 

Transfer 5: He then became companions with me:) We were together for 2 transfers during which he gave me the Kiwi.

But the story does not simply end there, no no.

Transfer 7: At the end of my time in Winder, I left the Kiwi in Elder May's care (my companion after Elder Niutupuivaha; I was super blessed to serve with the both of them). 

Transfer 8: When Elder May went home after the next transfer, he left the Kiwi with his companions, Elder Jones (a super cool guy that I sadly didn't get to know better) and Elder Peterson (the Portuguese-speaking Elder Peterson, not to be confused with the tall Elder Peterson (7 ft) or my 2nd District Leader Elder Peterson). 

Transfer 9: Elder Jones left it in Elder Peterson's and Elder Peterson's next companion's care, Elder Leonardo.

Transfer 10: At this time, Elder Wilkins, my follow-up trainer, was in their zone and somehow the Kiwi ended up in his possession.

Transfer 11: Elder Wilkins then proceeded to give me back the Kiwi when we bumped into each other at the mission office during transfer day. Was a very funny moment as I had no idea where the Kiwi went, let alone in my follow-up trainer's possession.

There's still more:

Transfer 15: We got the transfer news and Elder Niutupuivaha was coming to replace me in the Liberty area! And so, of course, I decided to leave the Kiwi for him:)

Transfer 17 (my last transfer): We got the transfer news and Elder Niutupuivaha was coming to replace me in the Holladay YSA area! And so he brought the Kiwi back to me:)

So the Kiwi's been through a lot! And ended in my possession, which I am more than happy about; it's a great stuffed Kiwi.

Summarized Version:

Transfer ??: Elder Boxall has it.

Transfer 3.5: Elder Boxall gives it to Elder Niutupuivaha.

Transfer 5: Elder Niutupuivaha gives it to me.

Transfer 7: I give it to Elder May.

Transfer 8: Elder May gives it to Jones/Peterson.

Transfer 9: Elder Jones leaves it with Elder Peterson/Leonardo.

Transfer 10: Elder Peterson/Leonardo gives it to Elder Wilkins.

Transfer 11: Elder Wilkins gives it to me.

Transfer 15: I give it to Elder Niutupuivaha.

Transfer 17: Elder Niutupuivaha gives it to me.

Quick Maggot Story:

So once upon a time we (Elder May and I) remove the Canada Hat that was chilling on our Kiwi. And low and behold we find this:


We washed it many-a-times, don't worry.


This history was compiled with the assistance of Jordan Niutupuivaha and Kyle Wilkins.

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