Friday, March 13, 2015

Terra Mystica and other things

You may notice Terra Mystica has taken my number one spot on my favorite games list. The game is really great and with 14 factions has quite a bit of replayability. And that's without the expansion. With the expansion you get 6 more factions plus 2 new boards plus variable end game scoring. (we don't own the expansion(yet... I'll get it someday)) On a different topic I looked at my book talk post. I notice I said I knew 13th Reality would be on my favorite book list yet it never got up there. This is because the series(in my opinion) got worse and worse as the series went on. The series was good enough to continue and read decently quickly but I'm not sure if it deserves to be on my favorite book list. I really enjoyed the first book but other than that eh. You may also notice Village on the list now includes the expansion Village Inn yet it hasn't moved. This doesn't mean that Village Inn is a bad expansion; in fact I really enjoy it. But instead of beating the next game it just widened the gap between it and 7 Wonders.