Thursday, October 23, 2014

Political cartoon

At school we had to make a political cartoon about Columbus and other explorers. Here is my creation. I called it Conference of the New World. The people from left to right are (by last name): Champlain, Cortes, Pizarro, Cabot, and Erickson. (By the way, Erickson is putting his leg on a chair in case you were confused. (his name is on his leg))

Slide 1

Slide 2

Slide 3

By the way, sorry that the pictures are a little big.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Whatever We Want

For computers class we had to make a website(ours is kinda like a website). My partner (Brian) and I made this website. As you will be able to tell it had a little inspiration from this blog. Here you go:


We talk about feelings.

I don't know what to talk about, that matter to you guys.~Brian
It doesn't matter what we talk about. No one cares what we have to say.(except for Mr.Heck)~Alex
Umm politics.~Brian
No politics Brian~Alex
Why don't people CARE about what we talk about.~Brian
No one cares about what we have to say on this blog because we are not presenting this.~Alex
Oh ok.~Brian
Instead we are presenting our Flight Sim.~Alex
The good old days.~Brian
Why are your messages so short but mine are so long.~Alex
Because reasons.~Brian
That doesn't answer my question Brian, I want an answer so we can continue this blog without staying on one topic.~Alex
yawn when will this day be over.~Brian
No capital, wow you really must be tired.~Alex
Just mad i have to wait over 2 hours till schools out.~Brian
Your mad? Why not sad? (Seriously-you didn't capitalize I :P)~Alex
Something, you would not care.~Brian
I propose that we start a segment that we do not use backspace~Alex
Yes? Yeah backspace... you know.~Alex.
Oh yeah backspace i get it.~Brian
Wow taht was impressive you actually didn't use backespace .~Alex
ho ahaha this is fun>~Brian
Is it really brian (oops forgot to captilaze brian(did it again))~Alex
\So ho was your day alix~Brian
It was good iuntil you spelt my name wrong :P~Alex
My day wass amazing~Brian
I us (oops) just relized how stupid this websit is :P~ALEX
What if we get a A alx~Brain
I willl be very suprised(unless we delete this entire thing and we restart(which we won't))~Sl (oops) Alex
I think it will be ok if we get a B because we both have 100 in this class~Brian.
Very ture(true) but, we should get going on the portfolio real quick.~Alex
DAY 2-Part 2
We should start getting to a conclusion for this website.~Brian
Yeah, I guess so, I guess we don't have much else to talk about.~Alex
Well...I conclude this website agreed?~Brian
Nope, I want to conclude, agreed?~Alex
Fine *silently pleading to conclude*~Alex
Alrighty then.~Brian
It is concluded.~Alex

Our idea was that we were having a conversation back and forth (as you can probably tell). Also the things that were inspired from my blog are, first off (obviously) is the name and also the part where we were not allowed to use backspace.