Sunday, November 24, 2019

Aluminum Gnat can be cool?

Out of Cosmere knowledge (or knowledge about any fictional book, for that matter), my knowledge about Scadrial and the magic systems on that planet is by far the greatest.
I know a lot about Mistborn.
It is my favorite series, after all, so it's not all too surprises. Plus its magic systems are, like, the coolest.

I could be wrong about this, but I'm assuming I'm not because this makes sense to me, and it's fun.

When you burn aluminum, it gets rid of the metal. It does not matter if you can burn that other metal or not, it just has to be allomantically relevant. Now, I'm assuming this also includes metals that a mistborn could burn, but they would get sick (or die) after doing so. (That's important because it adds a ton of potential metals an aluminum gnat could get rid of. (aka, they're not just stuck to pure allomantic metals. If the metals not pure, it would still get rid of it, etc.)).

In order to burn a metal, it does not have to be directly in your stomach. If a dagger made of (good) pewter is stabbed into Vin, for example, she could actually use that dagger as an allomantic reserve.

Let's say I'm a twinborn, with alminum allomancy and gold feruchemy. It would be cool. I get stabbed by a sword/dagger; I burn enough aluminum to make the sword/dagger go away, and then I use health to heal myself. It would be a great time. And it wouldn't work in a lot of scenarios. But it could work in some scenarios, and that's what's fun about it.

Making people's weapons disappear after they stab you is fun in general.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Temporary Answer for Misting Choice

So I did have minor plans to do a thing with misting similar to the thing I did with ferrings. That's fine that I didn't get to it. Especially since I'm pretty sure the choice is fairly easy for me.

There's pretty much one of two options: Steel or Pewter.
And I think I'm going to go with Pewter. It's just so much more useful in my everyday life. Plus I'm k of scared of heights (although I'm sure I would get over it if I was a Coinshot)

Being a Pewterarm does seem to be the most common choice when I ask people what kind of misting they would want to be, but for good reason.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Temporary Final Answer for Ferring Choice

Written 11/2

So I never fully finished my ferring thing. There were some updates to some things I learned that I never wrote about. Mental Speed works slightly different than I thought it did (it does make you smarter, as well as giving you more time to think).

Regardless, if you asked me to choose one right now, I think I would choose Tin for senses. Which surprises me. I was originally going to say Bronze for wakefulness. But I think I'm going to go with Tin. Probably a lame choice in many people's eyes, but there you go.

Obviously that answer will probably change at some point in the future. It could even change tomorrow for all I know. But it's the one I'm going with.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Scheduling Things

So I'm being set apart tomorrow morning. That'll be wild. I'm not fully ready, but no one really is. I think I'm ready to be made ready to be made ready, though, if that makes any sense. I'm going to write a whole bunch of small posts and schedule them because I can. Most of them will probably be this length and I don't know how many I'll write, but we'll see.

11:31pm update: I only got a few months of posts written (with a few being once every two weeks). That's okay, though. It's better than none.