You know, I have quite a few blog post ideas fumbling around my head. Not sure what's exactly keeping me from seeing them to fruition. Regardless, I've decided to do more of a free flow post today, which I haven't done in a long while.
The goal is to kind of just write down whatever various things come to mind.
For example, the first thing that pops into mind is how I have this idea of how to merge saying a really solid prayer with keeping a good journal. This idea is, of course, probably already been done, but I haven't seen it anywhere, so that's worth something at least.
The thought process came from the idea of a general structure of a good prayer.
Basic outline (not that prayers have to follow this *add more nuance etc. here*):
Address Heavenly Father.
Tell Him about your day.
Express Gratitude.
Ask for blessings (both for yourself and others).
Close in the name of Christ.
So my thought is that these core things that you'd want in a prayer happen to be what you would want in a really good journal.
So what you do is you structure each page/day of your journal as a prayer. And you write out your prayer to Heavenly Father. And then you still have it and it acts as a fantastic journal.
Idk, I think it has potential. I haven't tried it yet, but I think it's cool in theory.
The Lost Metal was super good, btw :)