Sunday, March 2, 2025

February 2025 Journal Entry

Still been playing The Bazaar a ton. Probably too much. Free Open Beta starts Wednesday, if you're interested in playing it, I would love to hand off my referral link to you so I get free stuff and such.

Listened to Steelheart, Firefight, and Calamity. Read Mitosis. Currently listening through Lux for the first time.

Class and homework has been stressful and just not a good time. Seriously seriously am not liking my Computer Science course's structure, but am learning some things. Grasping concepts in my math class, but have no idea how to actually solve any problems, which means the homeworks and midterm are not going so well -- luckily the grading structure is super forgiving (probably too forgiving).

Continuing to compete in Smash Bros tournaments, of course. 22Cents has had my number recently, but I still have half a semester left to win some sets in exchange. Went to LanKing and did not perform to my liking, but had a ton of fun. 22Cents, Ninjamez (and Mackar, who's only able to go to a tournament a month or so) are still the only ones to win sets off me in PR events (I may or may not have lost to Ben for the first time in 2 years during LanKing redemption, but that wasn't for PR).

Still going to some Lorcana locals, even though Set Champs are done.

My roommates and I have been watching Severance with VidAngel to censor out the language/sexual content, and it's been so freaking good.

Got called as an Elders' Quorum Instructor. Teaching my first lesson next week (and potentially my last, depending, due to General Conference).

Been feeling slothful this past month which has caused my mood/happiness levels to go down. Reflecting on this month while writing this blog post is quite nice. Planning on having a better month this month.