Random quote that gives me strength when I read it

Random quote that gives me strength when I read it: “When you say, ‘I can’t! I can’t solve my problems!’ I want to thunder out, ‘Don’t you realize who you are? Haven’t you learned yet that you are a son or a daughter of Almighty God? Do you not know that there are powerful resources inherited from Him that you can call upon to give you steadiness and courage and great power?’” ~ President Boyd K. Packer

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Had a few minutes

Had a few minutes before I go off to bed, so I thought that I would write a quick blog post about whatever. Figured putting up something small would be better than nothing.
Random note: I was hungry this morning and I went to brush my teeth and it upset my stomach.
Anyways, Nedroid is still really good. Went back and read a few of them again and, man, they are pretty funny. The most recent one (as of 9/25/16) is really good. I've already shown my sister and parents that one. Hannah really got a kick out of it for some reason. She thought it was because she was so hungry that she was like "Crispy bikes sound good to me!".
And to think that all of the comic strips are canon in some way...
My birthday's coming up. 15 days from now I'll be turning 16 which is pretty crazy. Don't really know what I want yet. Haven't really had my eye on anything particular other that things We have already ordered (Seafall, DOW: A long night, Dominion: Empires).
Watching a lot of anime recently. Got into a new anime that is 148 episodes long, the first 100 episodes being on Netflix. Watched 123 thus far. The most recent story arc is dragging out a bit, but it's been really fantastic. Wish I would have recorded when I watched the first episode so I could see how fast I've gone through them.
Haikyuu!! season three coming soon!
Baby Steps season three confirmed!
Pretty pumped about those two. (although I already know what's going to happen in Baby Steps (I thought the anime would have finished the manga (obviously that is not the case since there is a season three) and I wasn't sure if season three was ever going to exist, so I caught up on the manga reading the new chapters as they come out) but it will still be fun seeing it go into the animation form)

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