Monday, October 19, 2020

His Individualized Plan

So many things I could write about.

At the time of my writing of this, It's been 4 weeks since I entered into Wyoming.
I am consistently amazed at how personal and wonderful God's tender mercies are. And at how grand his plan for us is.

Heavenly Father truely does have an individual plan for each and every single one of us.
At the very least, I can bear testimony that he has a plan for me as an individual. But I can also testify that that doesn't just apply to me. That wouldn't make any sense if it just applied to me. It applies to you too. 

This truth, that God knows me as an individual and has a plan for me (and also knows you as an individual and has a plan for you), is something I have grown a firm testimony of in the past 11 months.

This was something that I struggled to grasp before my mission. It was hard to imagine, and often even harder to feel, that God knew me as an individual and truely cared and loved for me as an individual.
I mean, I knew it on paper. Because I had faith in Jesus Christ and his Restored Church and that is one of the things his church teaches. But it was difficult for me to feel that truth for myself. ('Tis an interesting topic that I'm sure I could write much more about. The idea of knowing something in theory but not necessarily knowing it for yourself. It's hard to find the right words to describe it.)

So how do I know this to be true?
Simply put, I have seen Heavenly Father put specific people in my life when are where I need them. I did not meet these people by mistake or coincidance. I met these people because Heavenly Father has a plan.

Tchau tchau!!
~Elder Perazzo

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