Sunday, July 21, 2024

Zach's Farewell Talk

I wanted to share a beautiful moment I got to be a part of when I was serving as a missionary in Holladay, Utah. At the time, I was covering 1 Family Stake and 1 YSA Stake (which I share mostly for my future self).

We met this awesome dude who was preparing for his mission. We'll call him Zach. Because that's his name. He went through some crazy things and the fact that he's alive is a miracle, but that whole story isn't what I wanted to talk about here. I wanted to talk about part of his missionary farewell talk.

In the middle of his wonderful talk, he asked for all the missionaries in the congregation to stand up. Immediately, my companion and I stand up; practically at the same time, and a few others stand up, who I assume were ward missionaries. Zach stayed silent; waiting. After a few seconds, another clump stood up. Then another. Slowly realization filled the congregation along with myself. Everybody stood up. 

Every member a missionary.

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