Random quote that gives me strength when I read it

Random quote that gives me strength when I read it: “When you say, ‘I can’t! I can’t solve my problems!’ I want to thunder out, ‘Don’t you realize who you are? Haven’t you learned yet that you are a son or a daughter of Almighty God? Do you not know that there are powerful resources inherited from Him that you can call upon to give you steadiness and courage and great power?’” ~ President Boyd K. Packer

Friday, June 14, 2019


I don't understand why I'm afraid of writing an emotional blog post. I know I'm afraid of misrepresenting my feelings. And I know I could disagree with my feelings only a day later when I'm in a different mood. And so I avoid it. I can't seem to write down my feelings, especially sad feelings. Not in blog post at least.
I don't even like writing about not writing about emotional things, so I'm stopping here.

Well, I guess this next thing kind of goes along with the previous thing.

Writing a song is appealing to me because it's a medium of communication that I can say things that I can't say anywhere else. I'm not interested in really making it sound good. I'm interested in writing lyrics. I guess poems might be a way to do something similar. But I don't like that idea for some reason.
I feel like I need to be very transparent in communicating the way that I feel. A song can do that with the musical element "hiding it" while still being very transparent if you just read the lyrics. While as a poem, I feel like I inherently need to mask how I feel by using vague terms or something something.
Music has a natural cover that allows me to express things. Poems don't have that cover, so I feel I have to create it myself, which contradicts the fact that I feel I need to be very transparent in communicating the way that I feel.
I keep repeating the same thing, but I keep coming up with new ways to say it, so I keep saying it: I can't do poems because I feel like I need to hide. Music gives me a way to hide without actually hiding.

Too bad I'm really bad at creating music. I'm not even sure if that's true. I mean, I know that my current ability to do so is poor. I just don't know if I'm just not talented at it either. I'm a quick learner. I'm sure I could be pretty competent at it, if effort was given. But it's currently not on my scope of things to spend time doing.

I feel that there is more to be written.

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