Saturday, November 4, 2023

NBA and Guy Fawkes Day

Been trying to work on my Twenty One Pilots Tier List. It is incredibly difficult. I always underestimate how difficult it will be.

New NBA season has just started, and I'm more into basketball than perhaps ever before. Warriors are my team, ofc, since they were my grandparents team and I've kind of just been following them ever since. We've been doing well! 5-1. It's been awesome. Christ Paul is a fantastic addition. Steph Curry is still goated and is still an absolute pleasure to watch.

Definitely scared of the Nuggets and Celtics the most right now (which, you know, makes sense considering their standings, but still).

Celebrated Guy Fawkes day today with one of my classes. It was pretty neat:) We went out to our teacher's house and had a little potluck and burned a scarecrow Guy Fawkes. 

I don't really know anyone from that class, so I kind of just ate some food by myself and thought about how the average height at that get together was crazy high. Seriously. I'm average height for a guy, and almost every single guy was taller than me -- and more often than not by a decent amount. But not only that, a good chunk of the girls were around my height or taller. Very few people there were shorter than me. It was fascinating.

Day Light Savings time is tonight, I believe. Not a fan. It's going to get dark soooo early.

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