Sunday, April 14, 2024

My Favorite Moment Playing Secret Hitler

Thomas brings this story up pretty consistently whenever we talk about Secret Hitler. It's pretty incredible and frankly hilarious, so even though it's kind of embarrassing, I feel like it needs to be immortalized in a journal of some form, hence the blog post.

Background on the game Secret Hitler (in case you know little to nothing about it (I'll keep it to only the barebones of what you need to understand the story)):

It's a social deduction game where a couple-few people are fascists and most of the people are liberal. Each round a president and chancellor get voted in. The president looks at 3 cards. Each card is either a fascist card or a liberal card. He gives 2 of the cards to the chancellor. The chancellor picks one of the two cards to enter play. The fascists' goal is to get fascist cards out in play and the liberals' goal is to get liberal cards in play.

The Story Part One:

One night between the months of January and April of 2022 we get together and play Secret Hitler with our FHE family. After some super fun games, Thomas (who was my room roommate at the time) and I are chatting about the various games and things. He brings up a potential strategy you could implement in Secret Hitler. 

The Theorized Strat:

You are fascist. You hand a liberal 2 fascist policies. After they put down a fascist, you claim you gave them a choice. Of course, you have your initial squabble of not trusting each other, but after a while you slowly start trusting them some. You say that you believe them and they most have simply accidentally not realized there was a choice. You gaslight them so hard that they too believe they actually had a choice and they just didn't realize it.

The Story Part Two:

The very next night we sit down to play Secret Hitler again with our FHE sisters. Thomas is fascist. I am liberal. He gives me two fascist policies. I put down a fascist. He claims I had a choice. You probably see where this story is going.

Thomas lies so well and gaslights me so hard that I eventually believe that he's liberal and that I must have just accidentally put down a fascist card. The fact that we had talked about the strategy the night before made it all the more believable that he wouldn't be doing it to me, and all the more sweet for Thomas as he deceives me like I've never been deceived before.

I am happy to say that the Liberals won that game regardless. But boy oh boy was it hilarious and embarrassing  as Thomas revealed that he fascist the whole time. Definitely my favorite Secret Hitler moment of all time even though I'm the one who got deceived -- winning even still does take away some of the sting for sure, though, haha.

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