Random quote that gives me strength when I read it

Random quote that gives me strength when I read it: “When you say, ‘I can’t! I can’t solve my problems!’ I want to thunder out, ‘Don’t you realize who you are? Haven’t you learned yet that you are a son or a daughter of Almighty God? Do you not know that there are powerful resources inherited from Him that you can call upon to give you steadiness and courage and great power?’” ~ President Boyd K. Packer

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Thoughts on Music and Such

'Such' first (aka, random stuff (even though that's not how I use 'and such' normally, but that's what I'm using it for here)):

I've been wanting to write more. Naturally, of course, my blog is my first spot to go to (although I totally want to get into more writing stories and such etc. Not necessarily actually writing, but the theory behind it all or whatever, and then maybe later getting more into writing itself if I feel like it). Although I rarely know specifically what I want to write about, so I write about everything and nothing.

Random thought: Am I hearing silence (in between me typing (because obviously I can hear me typing)) or am I just hearing a form of ambient noise? Have I ever heard true silence? Or at least anywhere close to it?

Oh, I also wanted to talk briefly about the new section I added. It tells you the changes I make to my lists and when I made them. I don't know long each individual notification section thingy will stay there, but I'll get rid of them periodically. It's for my use because I think it's cool and useful for me, but it's also for any who care because beforehand it was difficult to see if anything changed without me dedicating a whole blog post to a list being revamped. So, yeah, that's a thing.

Anyway. Music.

Music is scary. I'm scared of what it can do to me (and what it can do to others, but I'm just going to talk about me because I can do what I want). If you know I'm going someplace, and have one of a couple certain songs (of which I won't reveal) playing when I arrive, I'll basically just shut down. A simple song can do that to me. It's like I'm scared of the power others have over me if they know what those songs are or something, idk. At the same time it's kind of nice? Vulnerability makes people seem more human, so having something like that isn't all bad.

It holds such power. It not only can break me down, but build me up. Make me feel better. Make me feel determined. Make me feel resolution. Make me feel the Spirit.
Just one note can invoke such raw emotion in my heart. Especially when I play it myself on the piano. Playing the opening note to Implicit Demand for Proof and just holding it, closing my eyes, and filling my soul with the sound. It's incredibly peaceful.
But the moment only lasts so long. Eventually you have to continue with life. You get lost in the moment; only those emotions are there. You escape the world and enter your own heart instead. It's a beautiful, serene moment, but it comes to an end. And that's life. We have to deal with that.

I used to not listen to music; for why would I want my emotions to be changed? (I've been using semicolons a lot recently, and it's cool, but I actually don't know if I'm using them correctly all the time, but that's fine). My emotions are mine and mine alone. But, even though I still agree to an extent with my past self, music is so much more than that. It's the art of it all. It's the connection, both with the song and those around you. It's the awesomeness.
I could talk a little about my original philosophy, and why I mostly disagree with it now, but I don't feel like it. I would relate it to some of Breeze's talk about emotional Allomancy in Mistborn and other things, but nah (update on reading: Reread Mistborn and am now on to The Well of Ascension. After that I'll reread The Hero of Ages. Then I'll glance back over Mistborn and start making a book report on it, I think. By then Oathbringer will have been released, and I'll jump on that amazingness (A week ago or so I had a dream where Oathbringer was just terrible, and that sucked. But I have full faith in Brandon and everyone who helped him to make it to make it into epicness. I can't see that book being bad. It's just not a possibility.)).

I'm sure I could write more, but this is good for now.

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