Random quote that gives me strength when I read it

Random quote that gives me strength when I read it: “When you say, ‘I can’t! I can’t solve my problems!’ I want to thunder out, ‘Don’t you realize who you are? Haven’t you learned yet that you are a son or a daughter of Almighty God? Do you not know that there are powerful resources inherited from Him that you can call upon to give you steadiness and courage and great power?’” ~ President Boyd K. Packer

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

I've been reading a lot (Favorite Books List Revamp)

So, fun fact of the day that I would bet money I'm the only one who remembers: A long while ago I decided I was going to revamp my favorite books list. I decided I wanted the books to be split apart (instead of by series like they were before). I never did it. Until now *party popper* *party popper* (Note: I'm still debating if I'm going to put novellas on my new list.)

So you can go ahead and look to your left at my new list. Here's the old list in case you're curious:
1. Mistborn Series
2. Ender's Game/Ender's Shadow
3. Books of Umber Series
4. The Rithmatist
5. The Reckoners
6. Elantris
7. Jinx Series
8. The Emperor's Soul
9. Mysterious Benedict Society Series
10. The Healing Wars
11. Alcatraz Vs. Series
12. Flowers For Algernon
13. Uglies Series
14. Fablehaven Series
15. Beyonders Series
16. The Phantom Tollbooth

As you can tell, a vast majority of them are not on the new list. This is because I haven't read them in years. The ones on the list, however, I have read recently. Because I have been doing a lot of reading recently.

I have this info written down in my journal, so I'm just going to transfer it (with own commentary and such added. Not exact quotes or anything). Note: I don't have the start date on many of the books. Just the finished date. Between certain books, I had a couple-few days break, between others (such as the Mistborn Trilogy), I started the next book the day after the previous book. It just depended.

I started on July 6th.
Finished Skyward on July 9th. I read this as an ebook.
Finished Warbreaker on July 17th. I listened to this with GraphicAudio. I couple years back, I listened to about the first half and then stopped. This time I listened to it all the way through.
Finished Elantris for the 2nd time on July 24th using GraphicAudio. The previous time I read Elantris was back in 7th grade.
The rest of the books in this list, I read physical copies of.
Finished Legion: The Many Lives of Stephen Leeds on August 5th.
Finished Mistborn on August 13th for the third time.
Finished The Well of Ascension on August 18th for the third time.
Finished The Hero of Ages on August 27th for the third time.
Finished The Alloy of Law on September 4th for the second time.
Finished Shadows of Self on September 8th for the second time.
Finished The Bands of Mourning on September 11th for the second time.
All the above books are by Brandon Sanderson. The next eight books I have read/will read are by Orson Scott Card.
Finished Ender's Game on September 15th.
I'm currently reading Ender's Shadow. Afterwards I plan on reading the rest of the Bean series, and then the rest of the Ender series. After that, I'll most likely read The Giver Quartet by Lois Lowry.
I plan on rereading The Stormlight Archive + the fourth book when I get home from my mission.

I also read several novellas and the annotations for several books in between.
August 2nd, I read the annotations for Warbreaker and Elantris. Directly after reading the Mistborn Trilogy, I read the annotations for their respective books (aka, right after I read Mistborn, I read the annotations for it etc.). Note: the annotations for those books may have been read the day after.
On August 30th, I read The Eleventh Metal (It was my second or third time doing so) and on August 31st, I read Mistborn: Secret History (for the second time).
Right before I read Alloy of Law, I read Allomancer Jak and the Pits of Eltania (Episodes Twenty-Eight through Thirty).
On August 12th, I read Sixth of Dusk.

Perhaps I'll do a separate list for ranking my favorite short stories/novellas. We'll see.

In conclusion: I've been reading a lot and it's great.

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