Sunday, April 8, 2018

Semi-Bland Post About Overwatch

So forever ago, Eric said that I would explain stuff about this one thing on his blog post, so I'm going to.
Basically I saw that he was online and I clicked the join game button and there happened to be an open spot on his team, so I joined it. Yep.

Anyway, I suppose I should talk about the game some. When I first got this game, I played a lot of it. Whole bunches. I suppose I could go look up stats on it, but we'll see if I'm lazy by the end of typing this post. To the point were people (a couple members of mi familia) said that I was addicted. I said they were wrong. And, ay, guess I was right (random note that's not random: it's a pet peeve of mine when people say other people are addicted to stuff and such). I stopped playing it a while ago. I just hit level 101 (I am now 103), so I got my first star, so it was a good stopping point. I jumped on every once in a while, but then after a couple updates it quit working. Yesterday I uninstalled and reinstalled it and now it's working again, so that's nice. I plan to play every once in a while, but overall I've lost interest. I definitely got my value out of it (especially since I only bought it for 20 bucks because of a half price sale).

I suppose I should talk more about the game than just that.
I play supports. Moira, mostly. Sometimes Mercy. Sometimes Lucio. When I absolutely need to I am capable of playing Soldier 76.

Meh. I'm not feeling to motivated to write more about this subject, so I'm going to go write about others. It's a great game. Lots of fun. Definitely plan to play it some more. Yep. Guess that's it. This post feels lackluster, but meh, it's made. I guess I'll go look up some stats to make it more interesting.

I have played a total of 89 hours, 19 of which are as Mercy, 15 as Soldier, 12 as Moira, 9 as Lucio, 6 as Junkrat, 5 as Zenyatta, 4 as McCree, 3 as Roadhog, 3 as Pharah, and an hour or less with all the others. I'm mid to low gold rank in competitive. I love snipers, even though I really really suck with them.
Oo, here are a couple more fun stats: I have dealt a total of 2,154,275 damage and healed a total of 2,602,007 health points.

Sorry for the kind of boring post. Eric might find it interesting, at least, since he actually knows/plays the game and such.

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