Saturday, April 7, 2018

The End of the Hiatus

No, not the twenty one pilots hiatus. My hiatus of making blog posts. Although the theories going around right now suggest that their hiatus should end in a couple weeks or so and I'm so ready. I've been read for 6 or so months now. But now it looks like it's finally going to happen. The signs are adding up and, please, I really hope I'm not wrong here. I might cry if nothing gets announced this month.

There's orange juice randomly on the table, so I'm going to go get a cup of that. I don't know why you needed to know that. Still don't know if orange juice is my favorite juice or if apple juice is.
Anyway, back to what I was going to talk about.

It's Spring Break. Well, it's coming to a close now, but it still is Spring Break. And, as such, I finally had time to write blog posts. Except I didn't (but I am now, so it's all good). I decided that for Andrew's birthday, since I don't really have much to offer him in terms of normal gifts, I would make some blog posts. But then I didn't (his birthday was on the 2nd). And I'm like, "Welp."
But then Ryan's birthday came along and it was my second chance. Ryan's birthday was yesterday. As you probably noticed there was no post yesterday.

But, hey, that's okay. Because now I'm making some blog posts. And, man, let me just tell you that it feels so good to type.
I guess this is all you get for today? I'll be posting for several days in a row, though, so you don't have to long to wait before you get another post. I have many ideas for posts. Some of them I'm pretty sure none of you will care about, but that's fine. Maybe you'll enjoy reading those posts simply because of my writing personality (is that even a thing? I feel like it totally is.).   (Random note: I really need to come up with rules on how periods and such work with my parenthesis because I use them different every time and I want it to be more consistent)

Also: Happy Birthday, brothers! I love you both.

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