Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
It hurts
In a couple of my posts (which might not be posted yet) I said "It hurts to do......" Now the Question is what hurts and how. Could it be my brain even though nothing touched it? But if it wasn't what else could it be? I don't think it could be my feet or my arms. Because nothing has touch it. So, if it my brain then what type of pain is it? Are there even different types of pain? I don't know.
P.S.: Sorry I didn't post yesterday nor this morning there is a post below.
P.S.: Sorry I didn't post yesterday nor this morning there is a post below.
Writing Advice: Sentence a day
A good way to write a book is to do a sentence a day. Unless of course your like me and just have to get your ideas all out at once. This also helps if you don't know what to write about. you just jot down a sentence a day and slowly but surely build your book. Just say "Oh! Now I want my main character to do this." This way you don't have to pressure your self to write a whole bunch. Later on when you got more used to writing you can drop this pattern.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Let's see which one comes up first. I'm going to schedule two posts at the same time let's see which one wins!
Experiment 2
Is this one going to win I don't know.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Christmas Late at night edition
Late at night the day before Christmas you can't fall asleep because of all the excitement you have. You just stay up and watch Christmas movies in till you think Santa is going to come. Because Santa never comes if your awake. Then you finally fall asleep and have your pleasant dreams.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
It's a Hand! (kinda)
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Tuesday, October 23, 2012
You know it is weird when ever I want to spell u (see it just happened there (I did not do that on purpose)) I don't know I always want to spell undo. I don't see the answer. Maybe it is because I know that if I shrug my shoulders it means I don't know, but I always thought that it meant undo. So, the result is I always want to spell I don't know as undo.
Monday, October 22, 2012
This post i'm not allowed to use backspace
This post is going to be very anoyeing . YOu see i've allready made six mistakes . There goes another one. From this post you will be able to see that I use back space anlot. By the way ba isn't back space suppose to bbe one word? I jkust wanted you to see how many thimes I you backspace ( yes! i mad bacek space one word. (Theat an(and probably this sentence ) isb going to be realy bad.) That was alot of (). I think I made 26 mistakes. Wow that is a lot!
Friday, October 19, 2012
Copy Cat
If somebody is copying your every move just do something they are allergic to. As in if your friend is allergic to milk just drink some milk. And bang he is not copying anymore.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
What does P.S. mean? P.S. I'm serious I'm not sure if even a single person in my city knows what it means. P.S.S. And even if somebody does, tell me why you can and another S to it to make a P.S. to a P.S. P.S.S.S. Do you know what it means?
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
In one of my books
In one of my books I'm going to write there is going to be a creature called a jackalackal. A jackalackal is a fire shape shifter. When I say fire shape shifter I mean a shape shifter that is constantly on fire. Of course being on fire has it's advantages and disadvantages. One of the advantages is that it can set things on fire and has a fiery punch. The disadvantage is that it is not good for trying to hide form someone. I mean let's say you are trying to hide from a shepherded so you become a sheep. It won't really help because there you are in a crowd of sheep and you are the only one on fire. One last thing I'd like to say is that when the jackalackal transforms into something it gets the power of the thing. As in if it turns into a T-rex he will have the strength of a T-rex.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
All Of Them!
Sorry the last post was late. Hello, fine world of people I am experimenting with a lot of the different options.What the... I accidentally change it and then again. This is very weird. Bye?
Monday, October 15, 2012
Decode this puzzle
- .... .. ... .. ... -- --- .-. .... -.-. --- -.. . .-.-.-
Friday, October 12, 2012
C a n b lind people type?
I just did "A l l t h e w o r d s h a v e s p a c e s" and when I began this post by instinct I put spaces between some of the letters. Any way while I was doing that post I thought to my self can blind people learn how to type. I guess it is possible but what do they do, do they let some one else type for them. Probably not. Do they have special keyboards to help them. I'm not sure.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
A l l t h e l e t t e r s h a v e s p a c e s !
I c h a l l e n g e y o u t o r e a d t h i s w h o l e t h i n g . B u t h e r e ' s t h e t r i c k , r e a d i t w i t h p e r f e c t f l u e n c y . O f c o u r s e w h e n I s a y p e r f e c t f l u e n c y I m e a n w i t h a s m u c h f l u e n c y a s y o u h a v e . A r e t h e s p a c e s m e s s i n g y o u u p ? T h e y a r e n ' t m e s s i n g m e u p p r o b a b l y b e c a u s e I k n o w a l l t h e w o r d s . A f t e r y o u ' r e a d t h i s l o o k o v e r t h i s p o s t i t l o o k s r e a l l y w e i r d . ( y o u p r o b a b l y a l r e a d y d i d t h a t t h o u g h . ) I 'd j u s t l i k e t o s a y b e f o r e I p u t t h i s p a r t I r e a d i t o v e r a n d t h r o u g h o u t t h e w h o l e t h i n g i t s o u n d e d l i k e a p e r s o n w i t h a g o l f b a l l i n h i s m o u t h .
B y t h e w a y I g o t M e g a M i n d a n d 1 . 3 p o u n d s o f g u m m y . L a t e r I w i l l g e t a g a m e o f m y c h o i c e .
B y t h e w a y I g o t M e g a M i n d a n d 1 . 3 p o u n d s o f g u m m y . L a t e r I w i l l g e t a g a m e o f m y c h o i c e .
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
It's Me Birthday!
Yeah it's my birthday. All I have to do is go to school and then party it up! I'll post about what I got for my birthday tomorrow.
Note: I forgot to finish Other Eyes so here is the second part. How it hurts? I think it is because I try to visualize what they are seeing and then remind my self what it really looks like when your in first person. I don't know you try it your self and see if it hurts.
Note: I forgot to finish Other Eyes so here is the second part. How it hurts? I think it is because I try to visualize what they are seeing and then remind my self what it really looks like when your in first person. I don't know you try it your self and see if it hurts.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
When I was making "Other eyes" I always spell it, ti. Why is this? I don't know. This time I don't even have a hypothesis.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Other eyes
Another thing that hurts is trying to see what other people see.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Scariest dream I've ever had
(I'm going to tell you like I would if I were speaking.)
The scariest dream I ever had was when my sister was a cat collector and she got a donation of a stranded cat. The cat was big and puffy. But the cat kinda went rabid and started biting everybody. That night it transformed into a super sickly green zombie. For some weird reason we let it go. It then touched my sister and she became a zombie. Suddenly I was at school with a whole bunch of zombies chasing me. I figured out how to make a zombie become human again. You take out your taser that is in the back of your pocket and tase (how do you spell that) them in the back. They fall down and at night time become humans again. So, I was running and I saw my friend I told him everything. We try to make them humans. It wasn't working so we ran to our playground and I told everybody to take out there tasers. They responded "We don't have tasers." I told them it was in there back pocket and they responded by saying "O.K." Then we all went for the zombies I ran in first and got touched. Thankfully my friend tased (how do you spell this to) me. Finally we got all the zombies and everyone that was a zombie became human again. But the cat ran away. Then when I was about to fall asleep I heard pounding on the door. I opened it up and there was a pig standing just like a zombie with the Jokers smile on it. I immediately slammed the door and got help when we got back it was gone. Then day after day the same thing happened in-tell (including all the zombies.) I got an ax and when the pig knocked on the door I sliced it's head off. It may not be scary to you when I told you my dream but remember when you're having a dream it feels like real life.
The scariest dream I ever had was when my sister was a cat collector and she got a donation of a stranded cat. The cat was big and puffy. But the cat kinda went rabid and started biting everybody. That night it transformed into a super sickly green zombie. For some weird reason we let it go. It then touched my sister and she became a zombie. Suddenly I was at school with a whole bunch of zombies chasing me. I figured out how to make a zombie become human again. You take out your taser that is in the back of your pocket and tase (how do you spell that) them in the back. They fall down and at night time become humans again. So, I was running and I saw my friend I told him everything. We try to make them humans. It wasn't working so we ran to our playground and I told everybody to take out there tasers. They responded "We don't have tasers." I told them it was in there back pocket and they responded by saying "O.K." Then we all went for the zombies I ran in first and got touched. Thankfully my friend tased (how do you spell this to) me. Finally we got all the zombies and everyone that was a zombie became human again. But the cat ran away. Then when I was about to fall asleep I heard pounding on the door. I opened it up and there was a pig standing just like a zombie with the Jokers smile on it. I immediately slammed the door and got help when we got back it was gone. Then day after day the same thing happened in-tell (including all the zombies.) I got an ax and when the pig knocked on the door I sliced it's head off. It may not be scary to you when I told you my dream but remember when you're having a dream it feels like real life.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Dreams pt. 4
A thing I forgot to mention was that I fascinated by how dreams can feel so real. I mean like (that was bad grammar) your scariest dreams may not seem scary when you think about them when your not in them. A dream that I had I remember to be super scary it was so scary that it was my scariest dream for a while. (I'll tell you my scariest dream tomorrow) But now when I think about the dream it doesn't seem scary at all. (not my scariest dream my old scariest dream)
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Dreams pt. 3
The time I could wake myself up was when I was having a terrifying dream (I'd rather not talk about it) I knew in my dream that it was a dream so in my dream I just tried and tried to open my eyes. I finally opened my eyes (and since my eyes were open of course I was awake.)
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Dreams pt. 2
Last time I told you that I've been able to wake myself up and control my dreams but only once. The time I could control my dream was a dream about me and my friends seeking out a stone that gave you one superpower. When we finally got to the stone I got to control my dream by picking which power I got, I chose telekinesis.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Dreams are so fascinating. As in have you ever had nightmare and then got so scared and you knew it was a dream so you purposely open your eyes? Or you had a dream in black & white but later you have the same dream just in color? Or have you ever been able to control/change your dreams? I've done the first and last but only once.
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