Random quote that gives me strength when I read it

Random quote that gives me strength when I read it: “When you say, ‘I can’t! I can’t solve my problems!’ I want to thunder out, ‘Don’t you realize who you are? Haven’t you learned yet that you are a son or a daughter of Almighty God? Do you not know that there are powerful resources inherited from Him that you can call upon to give you steadiness and courage and great power?’” ~ President Boyd K. Packer

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Half+.5 of the 67 Things About Me; More In-Depth

Aka, I'm going to go through the first 37 things and talk more in depth about each thing. I'm more awake now, so I'm now capable. I'll do the other 36 in a another blog post that'll be up tomorrow. I'm going to be using a different color for my commentary and such and hopefully it looks good.

Am I a morning or a night person? I can be both. Sometimes I stay up way later than I should, which sides with being a night person. But I can also wake up early without too much trouble and I enjoy it. So Idk.
Yep, basically want I said previously. I can be both.

Am I afraid of the dark? Not really. Used to be, though.
Most of the time (now-a-days, that is. As I said previously, I used to be scared of the dark) I find being outside in the dark super peaceful. Inside in the dark I don't necessarily care or don't care for. But being outside in the dark is peaceful. Most of the time. Sometimes it is freaky.

Am I an introvert or extrovert? Introvert.
Always have been (although I'm pretty sure I was more extroverted when I was younger. Probably still introverted overall, but more towards the extroverted side than I am now). Don't see this changing anytime soon.

Am I double jointed? In my right thumb, I think?
Meant to say my left thumb, whoops. But, yeah, it can go back and forth in a slightly strange way which may or may not be double jointed. I'm also double jointed in my left ring finger. Forgot about that one.

Right or left handed: Right

Tidy or messy person: Messy, but not so messy that I can't be productive. I keep my messiness under control.
Ex. My backpack basically the entirety of this year. It was incredibly messy, but sort of had an organization and I never lost my stuff (maybe I shouldn't have said never, but most of the time I didn't lose my stuff). My room is also messy (although I'm slowly fixing that).

Am I on time or late to things? On time.
Depends on the importance too. But most of the time I'm there within 5 minutes of when I need to be. 

Ticklish: Probably? I definitely was in the past, but I haven't been tickled recently so it could have changed.
When we were younger, Thomas knew that I was ticklish, so for whatever reason he would tickle me, but I knew that he really didn't like germs and saliva, so I would lick my hand to keep him at bay. It was a good time.

Can I curl my tongue? Yes, in several ways.
Without needing the assistance of my mouth to keep it in shape either. I can do the typical U-shape. I can also do the U-shape, but tilted 90 degrees clockwise. I trained myself to do that working on it a lot. I can also do the w-shaped waffle one.

Can I ice skate? Poorly.
I can also roller blade poorly. I dislike both. It just feels like faster, granted also more enjoyable, walking/jogging but with the constant fear of tripping and face-planting it. I don't enjoy that fear and the mild enjoyableness of skating itself is not enough to combat it.
It's also partly why I don't like swimming. It's like walking/jogging except with the constant fear of struggling for your life. It's just not a good time.

Can I wiggle my ears? Yes.
It was pretty cool when I found this out. I then started moving them more to get better at it.

Cookies, Cake, or Donuts: Donuts then cookies then cake. Cake is overrated. I'm also in the club that cookies are overrated, but cake is most definitely overrated.
This doesn't exactly apply to the question, but cronuts are super good. But every time I eat one I feel like I would rather just have a croissant and a donut separately. So Idk.

Have I ever participated in a talent show? Not that I'm aware of
Although if I were to, I would probably just juggle. Although if I wanted to be super fancy, we get Ryan in on it and then (my family and I have thought about this in the past) I juggle 4 rubix cubes. I chuck one out to Ryan and transfer from juggling 4 to 3. Then he solves in a he chucks it back in. I throw him another unsolved one. We repeat this process until all 4 are solved. It's a really cool idea, I think. It would require a lot of practice, though. Especially to transfer from 4 to 3 to 4 etc.

Do you like school? Sometimes. I enjoy the social aspect. I enjoy learning. But boy does it suck a lot of the time.
For some reason I put this question in second person. Weird. But, yeah, school and I have a love-hate relationship. Often it's a specific class or two that I hate, but the others I enjoy.

Do I believe in ghosts? Only the holy one.
But I also suppose there's things like the veil becoming thin and seeing spirits and such, but I wouldn't consider them ghosts.

Do I bite my nails? No.
Never have.

Do I consider myself a good cook? I'm good enough to be content with my cooking ability.
I change my mind. I do want to become better and obtain more cooking knowledge. Culinary Arts would be my next choice of elective after Video Production and Spanish.

Do I enjoy dancing? Depends on the scenario, but overall, yes. I am an introvert, so if it's too social of a situation, dancing would probably make me uncomfortable. But even then, I sometimes enjoy dancing.
I do really enjoy dancing when I'm alone or with a couple people I feel 100 percent comfortable with (most often mi familia). When an awesome song comes on and I just get really into it. It's definitely fun.

Do I enjoy DIY crafts? I've never really tried them, but I feel like I would.
Although I do feel like I would get frustrated with them easily or would want them to be too perfect. So maybe I wouldn't like them.

Do I forgive easily: Yes.
I've always been good at this and I'm glad I am. I can remember a couple times when Ryan was being his teenager self (aka, he was a jerk sometimes when he was a teenager (he agrees with this fact, so it's fine that I say it)) and afterwards he was the coolest guy and came up to me to personally apologize for his actions. (Honestly, shout out to Ryan for being humble and awesome enough to do that on several occasions.) I remember being slightly confused on how to respond because I felt like he didn't necessarily need to apologize. I had already forgiven him in my heart and so it didn't matter. At least that's what I remember. I could be off; memories are that way.

Nickname: Alex. P-razz. Theodore. Zander. Al (Joseph called me this sometimes). Probably a couple others I'm missing.
Smart guy is another one. I think Theodore is my favorite one. I don't know why, but I really like my middle name.

Allergies: None
I am allergic to a certain type of medicine. Giant rashes across my body. It was interesting.

Phobias: I feel like I have some, but I don't have time right now to think about it super hard.
I'm kind of afraid of the ocean. I used to be afraid of heights (and am sometimes still), but my friend Lindsay helped me overcome a large part of that when my friend group went zip-lining.

Pets: I have none, but I love pets and will probably get them in the future.
Having a domestic pet fox sounds awesome. I feel like it would be a mixture of having a cat and a dog. Not as clingy as a dog and not as skittish as a cat. It would be great.

Siblings: 3 brothers, 1 sister.
They're all incredible and I'm so blessed to be in such an awesome family.

Dogs or Cats: I love both, but if forced to choose, I would pick cats. Although I think I'm slightly allergic to them. Semi-itchy throat. Some cats don't make this happen, but others do.
Ex. Smokey (Smokey is the cat's name (Milana's family's cat))

Mac or PC: Probably PC, although I don't have much data.
When I reread the statement I read daata and not dayta. Interesting. (The way I pronounce it often changes)

Beach or Mountains: Mountains? Idk.
I like both. No real preference.

Bath or Shower: Shower
Definitely shower. Baths take far to long and get cold and they're semi-uncomfortable.

Languages? I can understand basic spanish, although I can't speak it.
I can read and speak English. Forgot to mention that.

Do I still watch cartoons? Not often, but yes. If anime counts then when I have time, yes.
Granted, my anime watching has decreased significantly over the past 6 months or so.

Do I play any sports? Tennis. Did Track and Field for one year.
I'm absolute trash at basketball. The only thing I'm good at in basketball is running. I'm kind of convinced I should never touch the ball if I'm ever playing.
I'm pretty good at tennis, though. I'm about average in Track and Field. And when I saw Track and Field, I really just mean Track since I never did any field events.

Does my name have a special meaning? Not that I'm aware of.
"Defender of men", apparently. My parents just chose it because they both like it. Although my mom did just comment that if the name meant something dumb then they probably wouldn't have gone with it.

Have I been to a concert? Nope.
But I would really really love to go to a twenty one pilots concert in the future. That's probably super obvious, though.

Do I enjoy camping? Yep.
After the week long camping trip I can report that I still do enjoy camping.

Have I skipped class? Around finals week when we're doing nothing important, I have, yes. I was excused by my parents, but I still think it counts as skipping.
So nothing illegal, is the main point there. But, yeah, ex. we were only working on our projects in AP Physics and I figured I would be more productive at home, so I just asked my mom if I could leave and be excused and she said sure.

Have you won something? Yes.
Math competitions, Seneca Run, Races back in elementary school, Smash 4 high school tournament (did I ever report on winning that? If I haven't, I should. It was a good time), various other things.

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