Random quote that gives me strength when I read it

Random quote that gives me strength when I read it: “When you say, ‘I can’t! I can’t solve my problems!’ I want to thunder out, ‘Don’t you realize who you are? Haven’t you learned yet that you are a son or a daughter of Almighty God? Do you not know that there are powerful resources inherited from Him that you can call upon to give you steadiness and courage and great power?’” ~ President Boyd K. Packer

Monday, July 2, 2018

ASVAB and AP Tests and another twenty one pilots update

So that ASVAB was pretty useless. I'm mean, I guess it was just cool to do just to see how well I did. I got a 97, so yay, I guess. Not that enthused by that score. It's kind of expected. I did get 99s on all the math stuff, which was cool (the scores are based on percentiles with 99 being the highest. So a 99 means that I did beat on those portions than 99 percent of the other people who took the test). It was easier than ACT math, which I got in the 99 percentile of, so it wasn't all to surprising. I feel like I'm bragging here, but, guys, trust me, I'm not.
Anyway, I'm not going into the military, so it was pointless in that region.
The job interest thing was vaguely interesting, but when I looked at it again today, I realized that I wasn't interested in any of the main jobs they were pointing me towards. The only ones that I was semi-interested in were ones I've always known I was semi-interested in. So it was basically pointless in that area too.

In conclusion, in the end, there was no real point in me taking it, but that's fine, I guess. I'm glad I did it regardless.

In exciting news: We get to see our AP test scores in 4 days! I'm really hoping I did well and can see myself doing well, but I also would be surprised if I got 2's. I fully expect to pass Stats, and hopefully I got a 4. Physics and Calc I could see myself getting 2's or 3's. Calc is going to be broken down into Calc AB and Calc BC, so I could see myself getting a 3 in Calc AB, but getting a 2 in BC. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Also: Happy Observed Canada Day!!

Also, I've been doing some more research on twenty one pilots stuff, and it looks like we still have to get through the last 3 phases of the eye. We don't know how long that'll take since the progression of them is rather random. You (probably) don't know what this means, but that doesn't really matter. Point being: 3 phases in the next 11 days seems rather fast, so I now predict later in the month. Instead of the 13th maybe the 27th, but hopefully the 20th. We just have to wait a little longer.
EDIT NIGHT OF WHEN I ORIGINALLY WROTE THIS (7/1/18): They just posted more stuff onto their website and aaaaaaaahhhhhhh, I am so excited. Things are crazy and it's all crazy and it's great. I didn't expect them to post again so soon. We are now 5 (or potentially 6) sections out of the 7 sections of the eye complete. I rerechange my prediction. My official prediction is that the new album will be released on the 6th or 13th. I am so happy about this all. There may be another update tonight, so I'm going to stay up until midnight to see (it's currently 11:15).

Also: You might be getting a dual post today because I feel like it.

Another random thing: I'm going to start labeling things because I want to. I don't know why you needed to know that. I'm slowly going back and labeling tons of my old posts too, but it's going to take a while to do them all.

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