It's Christmas! *party popper emoji* *party popper emoji*
(Clarification Note: I scheduled this; hopefully I'm asleep when this posts)
(I don't really know why I put Happy Hanukkah either)
Monday, December 25, 2017
Saturday, December 16, 2017
Grammar + Christmas Feeling/Meaning/Whatever
Clarification: I say I'm good at English, and I believe that I am, but I don't really care about a lot of the grammar on this blog. You will find a lot of mistakes and whatever; deal with it. In graded papers or whatever, I use better grammar, but here I break rules for the sake of making it feel better/sound better/be more awesome/work out better/whatever.
Perfect example is this quote from my previous blog post: "But-- random excerpt here that isn't really an excerpt because it's still totally related to the main topic but I don't know that's basically what an excerpt is in the first place so I don't really know what I'm talking about here so I'm just going to continue with the rest of this sentence-- like, all I've ever known as a career option is teaching."
Notice how the entirety of the 'take away' or whatever you want to call it (the part that is in between the dashes) is completely void of commas and such, even though there should be many and it's probably a even with those commas included. I just made it that way that way it would feel like I'm talking super swiftly and rambily. Like how I would actually say it in real life, idk.
And I don't care that I used sporadically incorrectly. Seemed like the right use to me, so that's what I did. Turns out that sporadically means more like "randomly at irregular intervals" Which would mean that by now I would have many-a-Switches.
The word I was looking for was spontaneously. But I don't really care and I'm not going to switch (no pun intended) it.
Mostly because I'm far too lazy to actually change something like that (so instead I'm writing several paragraphs about how I don't feel like changing it/why I'm not changing it 'cause that makes sense (Well, it actually does make some amount of sense because it serves more that just that purpose. This way I get to talk about not caring about grammar and then bring up the specific example of the use of 'sporadically'))
Anyway, that was suppose to be just a random side note that I would talk about, but it turned into a large portion of the blog post. That seems to happen a lot. I just have a random thing to talk about in the beginning and then it turns into something that probably could have made its own post, but whatever.
I'm suppose to talk about what Christmas means to me? That's what I remember, at least. I feel like there was some other portion to this blog post topic, but I forgot. Lo siento.
I guess the first thing I think of is family. Christmas brings forth this way more than Thanksgiving does. There are several reasons for that. 1. Christmas Break is significantly long, first of all. 2. We get games to play on Christmas day, which, obviously, means lots and lots of game playing. Thanksgiving has a lot of sitting and eating around, but Christmas isn't revolved around a meal. We can play a lot more games. And because of this there are so many memories associated with the season.
One prevalent one that was made recently was SeaFall. Seriously, that was such a good time. Staying up hours into the morning play two or three games in a row. Waking up early the next morning to play another one. It was wonderful. I wish I could do it all over again. But Legacy Games be Legacy Games.
Traditions. Our family has a lot of traditions we do over this season. The most prevalent one is Pickles, but we have so many others. Specific meal on Christmas Eve. Lighting a candle on I forget which day. Hanukkah candles. Which we didn't light this year :( Giving each other stocking stuffers. Wearing the Santa Hat while opening gifts. Putting up the star on Christmas Eve. Making Gingerbread houses. I'm probably forgetting a couple others. I love them all.
There's Times New Roman, guys! Apparently. I changed the font of this post to Times New Roman because I like it. I have no idea if I'll continue to do that, but this post, at least, is in the font. I'll see how it looks.I feel like there is some other portion to the topic that I could talk about, but I can't think of what it is/would be, so idk.
And apparently it's just Times and not Times New Roman and that makes me sad.
Blogger is messing with everything, so have fun looking at its craziness. I have no idea what's going on, so.
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
The Future
The Future. The Unknown. The Subject That I'm Going to Talk About Today.
I don't know why I felt the need to capitalize the entirety of that. But, yeah, I'm just going to talk about it and see what comes out. I'm not really sure what will. Just going to ramble, but different because I'm half filtering myself and stuff. AKA, I'm not writing everything that pops into my head, but it will all be random stuff, idk.
What do I not want to do/do I want to do with my life? Specifically talking about career choices and such.
(The answer is, obviously: I don't know)
I don't want to do anything with Video Production. I don't know why, but it just doesn't seem appealing to me. Cool. I figured one thing out.
I (probably) don't want to major in English, but may want to do something that deals with English? (I'll talk a little more about that later ((referring to the editor/writer section that happens in a sec)))
Do I want to not major in math? Math just seems so clearly the obvious choice. What else would I do? It just feels already laid out for me. But is it what I want to do?
(The answer is, obviously: I don't know)
I want to edit? Write? I love correcting and going over stuff. Seriously. Just send me all your papers. All of you. Just send them to me. I'll look over them. Correct grammar. Try to fix stuff. Both content wise and otherwise. (Assuming I have time; I can't promise everything)
Like, Eric, if you ever do take off as a writer (which I think you totally have the potential to be, but you should also make sure to get some form of a steady otherwise job with your current major, and then see if you can become a writer from there. Find a job and then build up your writing career after that. Just my two cents; it's your life), then I will go through all the things. I would go through your current work faster, but I'm really limited on time right now. It'll open back up after Christmas, hopefully. (I say it's limited as I write a totally optional blog post ('cause that makes sense))
I had a reputation in English class last year for just being brutal in my correcting. I loved it when people would come up to me being like, "My paper is terrible. I really need a good grade, though. I heard you're brutal. Please help." And I'm good at it. (Even though I did terrible on the English part of the ACT (terrible for me), which made no sense. I did fine on the Reading part, though. But, man, I better get a better score on that part when I retake it. I don't know why I wouldn't. I'm actually kind of convinced that it was a fluke and that next time it will increase by a large amount of points. Idk.)
I also love writing essays. Sitting down and just researching and writing a good paper is appealing to me. Most of the essays (I say most because I feel like there was one I didn't like? But I don't really remember, so, could've been all) I wrote last year in AP English were really enjoyable. Research Paper on Super String Theory. That was fun. Persuasive Paper on why we shouldn't legalize marijuana. That was fun.
Ah, I remember now; it was the Personal Narrative paper that I didn't enjoy. Yeah, I don't like those. Which sucks because we have one coming up in my Honors English III class.
But with the ones I did enjoy, they involved learning about something. I got to research stuff that I wanted to, and it was great. Randomly researching Pineapples and Piccolos was a similar concept, and that was fun. I got to learn about something that I had a desire to learn about.
Book report papers can be really enjoyable as well. Digging into a book that I love and writing about it has been fulfilling these past couple of days.
Creating something that I'm proud of and feels well written is rewarding. It's one of the reasons making blog posts is so great. When I just feel good about what I'm putting out there. It's amazing.
Could I ever make that into a job? Maybe some form of side job? What would that even require?
One of my obvious options is just become a math professor/teacher. Teachers, obviously, do not make the most amount of money, but it can be enough to have a nice lifestyle. Proven by, like, a majority of the families I know. Including my own, of course.
It seems like a decent option. Of course, in this post I won't come anywhere close to a conclusion on anything, but it's nice to lay things out there.
But-- random excerpt here that isn't really an excerpt because it's still totally related to the main topic but I don't know that's basically what an excerpt is in the first place so I don't really know what I'm talking about here so I'm just going to continue with the rest of this sentence-- like, all I've ever known as a career option is teaching. There are jobs other than teaching, farming, and (I don't know, what's the third most common career that's in my life?) ¿lawyers? (I know a few, so I guess that makes it the third most common? Idk.) Apparently. Still not sure what they are though.
(Or. Or. A businessman. Which is something that's always appealed to me for no apparent reason. But. Idk.)
I don't know why I felt the need to capitalize the entirety of that. But, yeah, I'm just going to talk about it and see what comes out. I'm not really sure what will. Just going to ramble, but different because I'm half filtering myself and stuff. AKA, I'm not writing everything that pops into my head, but it will all be random stuff, idk.
What do I not want to do/do I want to do with my life? Specifically talking about career choices and such.
(The answer is, obviously: I don't know)
I don't want to do anything with Video Production. I don't know why, but it just doesn't seem appealing to me. Cool. I figured one thing out.
I (probably) don't want to major in English, but may want to do something that deals with English? (I'll talk a little more about that later ((referring to the editor/writer section that happens in a sec)))
Do I want to not major in math? Math just seems so clearly the obvious choice. What else would I do? It just feels already laid out for me. But is it what I want to do?
(The answer is, obviously: I don't know)
I want to edit? Write? I love correcting and going over stuff. Seriously. Just send me all your papers. All of you. Just send them to me. I'll look over them. Correct grammar. Try to fix stuff. Both content wise and otherwise. (Assuming I have time; I can't promise everything)
Like, Eric, if you ever do take off as a writer (which I think you totally have the potential to be, but you should also make sure to get some form of a steady otherwise job with your current major, and then see if you can become a writer from there. Find a job and then build up your writing career after that. Just my two cents; it's your life), then I will go through all the things. I would go through your current work faster, but I'm really limited on time right now. It'll open back up after Christmas, hopefully. (I say it's limited as I write a totally optional blog post ('cause that makes sense))
I had a reputation in English class last year for just being brutal in my correcting. I loved it when people would come up to me being like, "My paper is terrible. I really need a good grade, though. I heard you're brutal. Please help." And I'm good at it. (Even though I did terrible on the English part of the ACT (terrible for me), which made no sense. I did fine on the Reading part, though. But, man, I better get a better score on that part when I retake it. I don't know why I wouldn't. I'm actually kind of convinced that it was a fluke and that next time it will increase by a large amount of points. Idk.)
I also love writing essays. Sitting down and just researching and writing a good paper is appealing to me. Most of the essays (I say most because I feel like there was one I didn't like? But I don't really remember, so, could've been all) I wrote last year in AP English were really enjoyable. Research Paper on Super String Theory. That was fun. Persuasive Paper on why we shouldn't legalize marijuana. That was fun.
Ah, I remember now; it was the Personal Narrative paper that I didn't enjoy. Yeah, I don't like those. Which sucks because we have one coming up in my Honors English III class.
But with the ones I did enjoy, they involved learning about something. I got to research stuff that I wanted to, and it was great. Randomly researching Pineapples and Piccolos was a similar concept, and that was fun. I got to learn about something that I had a desire to learn about.
Book report papers can be really enjoyable as well. Digging into a book that I love and writing about it has been fulfilling these past couple of days.
Creating something that I'm proud of and feels well written is rewarding. It's one of the reasons making blog posts is so great. When I just feel good about what I'm putting out there. It's amazing.
Could I ever make that into a job? Maybe some form of side job? What would that even require?
One of my obvious options is just become a math professor/teacher. Teachers, obviously, do not make the most amount of money, but it can be enough to have a nice lifestyle. Proven by, like, a majority of the families I know. Including my own, of course.
It seems like a decent option. Of course, in this post I won't come anywhere close to a conclusion on anything, but it's nice to lay things out there.
But-- random excerpt here that isn't really an excerpt because it's still totally related to the main topic but I don't know that's basically what an excerpt is in the first place so I don't really know what I'm talking about here so I'm just going to continue with the rest of this sentence-- like, all I've ever known as a career option is teaching. There are jobs other than teaching, farming, and (I don't know, what's the third most common career that's in my life?) ¿lawyers? (I know a few, so I guess that makes it the third most common? Idk.) Apparently. Still not sure what they are though.
(Or. Or. A businessman. Which is something that's always appealed to me for no apparent reason. But. Idk.)
This isn't even talking about colleges, which I'm completely going to skip. Talking about colleges increases my heart rate and I start freaking out, so this is the only mention you're getting of them.
Section on what I want to do with my life that is completely unrelated to schooling and career? I don't know, that question kind of makes it feel like a goals section, which isn't really what I was going for; I just wanted to mention a couple things.
Travel? I've never had the desire to travel at all until I met people who have and do (both want to travel and do travel). But now I do? One thing I know I would want to do if I ever traveled anywhere in the world is visit as many temples as possible. My sister went to Utah a little while ago and visited many temples and I was a little jealous. That sounds soooo cool.
Just. Like. Go to all of them. As many as possible. It'd be the best.
Ok, that's really the only lifestylic thing that I was thinking of, so I guess the following are more like goals or whatever, but it's not a list of all the goals or whatever, just a couple things that I was thinking of:
Live close to family. Hopefully.
Meet famous people that I'm fans of (or at least meet them in greeting). Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun. Brandon Sanderson. John Green. Hank Green. A couple of my favorite youtubers. (How is youtubers not a word yet? Weird. (btw, referring to other people when saying 'a couple of my favorite youtubers' not re-referencing John and Hank))
I don't know why those were the two random things that popped into my head to mention, but I don't feel like referencing any others, so.
I guess that's my post about The Future? There are several sub-topics in there that I'm sure I could talk about in other blog posts if I feel like it, but I did not here. I feel like I could talk about so much more, but I feel good about the post, so I'm leaving you with this quite lengthy installment of my blog.
Section on what I want to do with my life that is completely unrelated to schooling and career? I don't know, that question kind of makes it feel like a goals section, which isn't really what I was going for; I just wanted to mention a couple things.
Travel? I've never had the desire to travel at all until I met people who have and do (both want to travel and do travel). But now I do? One thing I know I would want to do if I ever traveled anywhere in the world is visit as many temples as possible. My sister went to Utah a little while ago and visited many temples and I was a little jealous. That sounds soooo cool.
Just. Like. Go to all of them. As many as possible. It'd be the best.
Ok, that's really the only lifestylic thing that I was thinking of, so I guess the following are more like goals or whatever, but it's not a list of all the goals or whatever, just a couple things that I was thinking of:
Live close to family. Hopefully.
Meet famous people that I'm fans of (or at least meet them in greeting). Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun. Brandon Sanderson. John Green. Hank Green. A couple of my favorite youtubers. (How is youtubers not a word yet? Weird. (btw, referring to other people when saying 'a couple of my favorite youtubers' not re-referencing John and Hank))
I don't know why those were the two random things that popped into my head to mention, but I don't feel like referencing any others, so.
I guess that's my post about The Future? There are several sub-topics in there that I'm sure I could talk about in other blog posts if I feel like it, but I did not here. I feel like I could talk about so much more, but I feel good about the post, so I'm leaving you with this quite lengthy installment of my blog.
Monday, December 4, 2017
Ok, so tomato with an e at the end looks super weird now. I don't know what I was talking about last blog post. Tomato is totally fine, if not better.
So, I'm lazy right now and don't want to actually get started on my book report paper that's due on Friday. Well, at least not get any thing constructed down. As in, I'm just going to talk about the random things that will eventually need to be in the paper. It won't be super comprehensive/necessarily super useful for my paper, but I will come back to it when writing my paper.
Ok, first I'm actually going to talk about the book itself. It's super good. I already know it's going up on my remade favorite list. I've read it multiple times and have annotated the entire thing for English last year. Read it. It's super short, only 100 pages, so it won't even take that long at all. I won't really spoiler anything specific in this post, but talk about more broad things. You should be fine reading this if you haven't read the book. Although, you probably won't be very excited about any of it. You might not be excited about any of it anyway.
That's all still confusing, I think. Simple Idea: I'm brainstorming while at the same time just talking about a book that I love.
Ok, I have to analyze the triangle of rhetoricalness.
Genre: Sci-Fi, I suppose. But Sci-Fi typically has future stuff in it, so Idk. Is Medieval a genre? That feels like a dumb question, since I'm 90% sure the answer is obviously yes, but for some reason I'm doubting myself.
So I guess the genre is Medieval? (EDIT 12/5/17: I know this genre is wrong now)
Purpose: To Inform
Specifically about what Communism can do to everything.
Audience: Young Adults and Adults.
Basically anyone with enough knowledge that will allow the purpose of this book to come across.
Now I'm suppose to expand upon the triangle. Lame. I won't bother to do that here.
Did the book move me/what was the emotional response?
Idk. It gets me excited about Communism. Even though that makes no sense. Ok, excited isn't the correct word because it has a positive connotation to it. It gets me energized about Communism. And life in general. In neither a good or a bad way.
I feel like questioning my emotional responses is not the best of ideas. I feel as though they are not typical.
It makes me value my individuality? But also makes me value non-individuality? I have no idea.
One thing it definitely makes me value, though, is love. They took away love in the world. That is flippin' crazy.
It also makes me value the word 'I'. Like, not even what it stands for necessarily (aka, finally knowing the word that separates you from everyone else. Being your own person), but more the use of the word itself. How am I suppose to know if you're talking about just you or you and other people if you keep using we? I can't. And it's annoying. Especially while reading. I just had to guess in many scenarios on whether Equality 7-2521 was talking about just himself, or him and other peoples.
Did I rethink/change actions?
These questions come from two of my friend's notes since I was gone for tennis while Ms. Fairbanks was explaining them, so I'll have to clarify what this means exactly.
Has this book changed my actions in life? Is that what it's asking?
In which case, idk. Not really any fundamental changes in my outlook or anything. The only thing I can really think of is the fact that in my head while thinking stuff, I use a quotation from the book. "And yet... And yet..." I say that in my head quite a bit. And that came from this book. So, I guess that it has changed my life? In that small part at least. I remember reading that and being like, "I should totally use that" And then one day discovered that I actually did start using it. It was pretty cool.
Did I relate to the book or to any characters?
Idk, probably. Nothing really super specific that I can think of. I'll probably just bluff my way through this part of the paper and talk about how "I too know how it fells to be out of control and feel lack of individuality and that all my choices have been made for me" or something something. Which is not necessarily false, but I'll probably make it seem like more than what it was. And then, of course, I connect it back to the book and Equality's struggles etc.
Explain the Author/Talk about them
There's a whole section in the front of the book where the author talks about her self, and her inspiration etc. So I'll just use that to talk about her. I'll probably look some stuff up too.
Would I recommend it? Why or why not?
Yes. Because it's awesome.
That was terribly sloppy and not well written whatsoever and probably pretty boring. But I don't feel like changing it/looking over it again, so I apologize, you'll have to deal with what it is. I apologize again for this terribleness. It might not even be that bad, Idk. Or maybe the content is good but the way I laid it out wasn't? Idk, I'm just going to stop thinking about it all and just post it.
So, I'm lazy right now and don't want to actually get started on my book report paper that's due on Friday. Well, at least not get any thing constructed down. As in, I'm just going to talk about the random things that will eventually need to be in the paper. It won't be super comprehensive/necessarily super useful for my paper, but I will come back to it when writing my paper.
Ok, first I'm actually going to talk about the book itself. It's super good. I already know it's going up on my remade favorite list. I've read it multiple times and have annotated the entire thing for English last year. Read it. It's super short, only 100 pages, so it won't even take that long at all. I won't really spoiler anything specific in this post, but talk about more broad things. You should be fine reading this if you haven't read the book. Although, you probably won't be very excited about any of it. You might not be excited about any of it anyway.
That's all still confusing, I think. Simple Idea: I'm brainstorming while at the same time just talking about a book that I love.
Ok, I have to analyze the triangle of rhetoricalness.
Genre: Sci-Fi, I suppose. But Sci-Fi typically has future stuff in it, so Idk. Is Medieval a genre? That feels like a dumb question, since I'm 90% sure the answer is obviously yes, but for some reason I'm doubting myself.
So I guess the genre is Medieval? (EDIT 12/5/17: I know this genre is wrong now)
Purpose: To Inform
Specifically about what Communism can do to everything.
Audience: Young Adults and Adults.
Basically anyone with enough knowledge that will allow the purpose of this book to come across.
Now I'm suppose to expand upon the triangle. Lame. I won't bother to do that here.
Did the book move me/what was the emotional response?
Idk. It gets me excited about Communism. Even though that makes no sense. Ok, excited isn't the correct word because it has a positive connotation to it. It gets me energized about Communism. And life in general. In neither a good or a bad way.
I feel like questioning my emotional responses is not the best of ideas. I feel as though they are not typical.
It makes me value my individuality? But also makes me value non-individuality? I have no idea.
One thing it definitely makes me value, though, is love. They took away love in the world. That is flippin' crazy.
It also makes me value the word 'I'. Like, not even what it stands for necessarily (aka, finally knowing the word that separates you from everyone else. Being your own person), but more the use of the word itself. How am I suppose to know if you're talking about just you or you and other people if you keep using we? I can't. And it's annoying. Especially while reading. I just had to guess in many scenarios on whether Equality 7-2521 was talking about just himself, or him and other peoples.
Did I rethink/change actions?
These questions come from two of my friend's notes since I was gone for tennis while Ms. Fairbanks was explaining them, so I'll have to clarify what this means exactly.
Has this book changed my actions in life? Is that what it's asking?
In which case, idk. Not really any fundamental changes in my outlook or anything. The only thing I can really think of is the fact that in my head while thinking stuff, I use a quotation from the book. "And yet... And yet..." I say that in my head quite a bit. And that came from this book. So, I guess that it has changed my life? In that small part at least. I remember reading that and being like, "I should totally use that" And then one day discovered that I actually did start using it. It was pretty cool.
Did I relate to the book or to any characters?
Idk, probably. Nothing really super specific that I can think of. I'll probably just bluff my way through this part of the paper and talk about how "I too know how it fells to be out of control and feel lack of individuality and that all my choices have been made for me" or something something. Which is not necessarily false, but I'll probably make it seem like more than what it was. And then, of course, I connect it back to the book and Equality's struggles etc.
Explain the Author/Talk about them
There's a whole section in the front of the book where the author talks about her self, and her inspiration etc. So I'll just use that to talk about her. I'll probably look some stuff up too.
Would I recommend it? Why or why not?
Yes. Because it's awesome.
That was terribly sloppy and not well written whatsoever and probably pretty boring. But I don't feel like changing it/looking over it again, so I apologize, you'll have to deal with what it is. I apologize again for this terribleness. It might not even be that bad, Idk. Or maybe the content is good but the way I laid it out wasn't? Idk, I'm just going to stop thinking about it all and just post it.
Friday, December 1, 2017
Pineapples and Piccolos
Three day weekend this week *party confetti emoji* (looked it up, is called the "party popper emoji")
So. Pineapples and Piccolos. They're pretty cool. I'm going to talk about them, I guess.
First off, Pineapples are, like, one of the best looking fruits. It's so awesome. I'm pretty sure it's the best looking fruit. Other than maybe some random ones I've never heard of.
Just look at it:
Pineapples got their name due to their resemblance to pine cones. Which totally makes sense. And then the people who named them were probably like, "Ay, we can't just name them pine cones, obviously. So let's add something to the end. Like... apples. They're both sweet, I guess." And thus the pineapple was born (was given an official name, at least). But it's still kind of weird because if that basically purely what it was based off of, they could have become pinebananas or a pineoranges or a pinemangoes or a pinepeaches or a pineplums or a pinepears. So many options.
They taste good, so that's another cool thing about them.
Don't put them on pizza unless your taste buds enjoy that type of thing, though (mine don't).
But Thomas's POV on the topic doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Because at one point he decided he just didn't like warm fruits because he's not a fan of pies or cobblers (he's crazy, I know). But then he likes pineapple on pizza?? That doesn't make much sense.
Still on the topic of pineapple on pizza: It's fine if your taste buds are different than mine, of course. In fact, I don't think they're that bad (just pretty bad); I would just much prefer the pizza if they weren't on there. But the idea behind them still wigs me out. Fruit on pizza? (Counter point to that one argument that may or may not be in your head: Yes, tomatoes are considered a fruit (so therefore, the tomatoe (am I the only one that puts an 'e' after tomatoe? Because it says it's spelt incorrectly (along with 'spelt'. Come on United Statesians (and others who spell things different than I (which could just be Americans (Americans here is not referring to just the United Statesians), idk)), get with the program (except now that I look at the spelling of tomatoe again, it looks a little weird with the e, so idk))) would be the fruit on the pizza), but they are used as vegetables in cooking, so that doesn't apply.) (I have a feeling that my parenthesis system gets really confusing sometimes, since I often get confused while making a complex one, but I think figuring them out is part of the fun, so.) Wouldn't it seem weird to put peaches or plums or pears on a pizza? I'm not saying they would taste bad, I'm just saying that the idea behind it is a little weird.
Anyway. Piccolos.
Piccolos are chill. They're apparently half sized flutes (most info comes from Wikipedia, btw (the best source for getting good sources, but not for actually getting information (but I got info from it anyway))).
The name itself is awesome. Comes from the latter half of an Italian phrase/words/thingies that means "small flute".
Debunking myths is one of my favorite things to do (ex. believe it or not your blood is not blue inside your veins, and you can not see the super duper skinny Wall of China from the moon, and the sky is not blue because of the ocean nor the other way around), so, "It is a myth that one of the earliest pieces to use the piccolo was Ludwig van Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, premiered in December 1808. Although neither Joseph Haydn nor Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart used it in their symphonies, some of their contemporaries did, including Franz Anton Hoffmeister, Franz Xaver Süssmayr and Michael Haydn. Also, Mozart used the piccolo in his opera Idomeneo. Opera orchestras in Paris sometimes included small transverse flutes at the octave as early as 1735 as existing scores by Jean-Philippe Rameau show." (from Wikipedia, of course)
What about both together:
Typed in "Pineapples and Piccolos" into google, and this was one of the images:

But other than that clear correspondence between both Pineapples and Piccolos, and its magically made beautiful relationship between the two, nothing really came up. (That was sarcasm. (Never really sure how well my sarcasm comes out in writing, so sometimes I feel the need to clarify.))
That was fun to write about *party popper emoji* (three in one blog post, that's pretty good)
(Oh! And happy B-Day to my sister and Tyler Joseph! They share a birthday, which is super awesome)
So. Pineapples and Piccolos. They're pretty cool. I'm going to talk about them, I guess.
First off, Pineapples are, like, one of the best looking fruits. It's so awesome. I'm pretty sure it's the best looking fruit. Other than maybe some random ones I've never heard of.
Just look at it:
(First picture in forever *party popper emoji*) |
Pineapples got their name due to their resemblance to pine cones. Which totally makes sense. And then the people who named them were probably like, "Ay, we can't just name them pine cones, obviously. So let's add something to the end. Like... apples. They're both sweet, I guess." And thus the pineapple was born (was given an official name, at least). But it's still kind of weird because if that basically purely what it was based off of, they could have become pinebananas or a pineoranges or a pinemangoes or a pinepeaches or a pineplums or a pinepears. So many options.
They taste good, so that's another cool thing about them.
Don't put them on pizza unless your taste buds enjoy that type of thing, though (mine don't).
But Thomas's POV on the topic doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Because at one point he decided he just didn't like warm fruits because he's not a fan of pies or cobblers (he's crazy, I know). But then he likes pineapple on pizza?? That doesn't make much sense.
Still on the topic of pineapple on pizza: It's fine if your taste buds are different than mine, of course. In fact, I don't think they're that bad (just pretty bad); I would just much prefer the pizza if they weren't on there. But the idea behind them still wigs me out. Fruit on pizza? (Counter point to that one argument that may or may not be in your head: Yes, tomatoes are considered a fruit (so therefore, the tomatoe (am I the only one that puts an 'e' after tomatoe? Because it says it's spelt incorrectly (along with 'spelt'. Come on United Statesians (and others who spell things different than I (which could just be Americans (Americans here is not referring to just the United Statesians), idk)), get with the program (except now that I look at the spelling of tomatoe again, it looks a little weird with the e, so idk))) would be the fruit on the pizza), but they are used as vegetables in cooking, so that doesn't apply.) (I have a feeling that my parenthesis system gets really confusing sometimes, since I often get confused while making a complex one, but I think figuring them out is part of the fun, so.) Wouldn't it seem weird to put peaches or plums or pears on a pizza? I'm not saying they would taste bad, I'm just saying that the idea behind it is a little weird.
Anyway. Piccolos.
Piccolos are chill. They're apparently half sized flutes (most info comes from Wikipedia, btw (the best source for getting good sources, but not for actually getting information (but I got info from it anyway))).
The name itself is awesome. Comes from the latter half of an Italian phrase/words/thingies that means "small flute".
Debunking myths is one of my favorite things to do (ex. believe it or not your blood is not blue inside your veins, and you can not see the super duper skinny Wall of China from the moon, and the sky is not blue because of the ocean nor the other way around), so, "It is a myth that one of the earliest pieces to use the piccolo was Ludwig van Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, premiered in December 1808. Although neither Joseph Haydn nor Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart used it in their symphonies, some of their contemporaries did, including Franz Anton Hoffmeister, Franz Xaver Süssmayr and Michael Haydn. Also, Mozart used the piccolo in his opera Idomeneo. Opera orchestras in Paris sometimes included small transverse flutes at the octave as early as 1735 as existing scores by Jean-Philippe Rameau show." (from Wikipedia, of course)
What about both together:
Typed in "Pineapples and Piccolos" into google, and this was one of the images:
But other than that clear correspondence between both Pineapples and Piccolos, and its magically made beautiful relationship between the two, nothing really came up. (That was sarcasm. (Never really sure how well my sarcasm comes out in writing, so sometimes I feel the need to clarify.))
That was fun to write about *party popper emoji* (three in one blog post, that's pretty good)
(Oh! And happy B-Day to my sister and Tyler Joseph! They share a birthday, which is super awesome)
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Writing (other than blog posts (aka stories))
I actually titled this post before I started writing! That's new. I just hope it goes in that direction; I don't see why it wouldn't since literally the next sentence I planned out in my head is on topic.
I feel kind of inadequate trying to write a story. It's weird. I know that I'm, in theory, good at writing, but I feel like I should do so much before I simply start writing something. Listen to Writing Excuses, for example. There's so much useful stuff there. But it's such a big block. How much should I listen to it before I'm suddenly 'prepared'? etc.
Or, another thing that I should probably totally do, but idk, is, you know, actually think out the story. Make plot points. Think about character development. More fully flesh out the magic system. Come up with random scenes and make an outline for them. Outline everything.
But even though I kind of want to do all of that, I don't want to do any of it.
Hm. Maybe. It might just be more of a time commitment issue. I want to do so much; I have to cut out some stuff.
Do I want to have writing in my future at all? I mean, I think the answer is yes, but what does that entail? Do I just go off on my normal major/career choice (whatever that may be) and just write stuff off on the side? Try to publish something randomly? Even though my career has nothing to do with English (probably)? It doesn't seem like that bad of an idea. If I enjoy writing, then why not, I guess.
Although the funny thing is I'm not fully sure if I do enjoy writing. I'm assuming I do. It's always interested me. I don't see why it wouldn't. But I've never actually done it. The most I've ever written on a story is a couple pages. Do I just enjoy coming up with stories/characters/worlds/magic systems/whatever, but not the actual process of making that into a comprehensive, interesting, compelling story? Idk. That's something I'll just have to figure out, I suppose.
Figuring out stuff as you write is totally a thing, though. I don't necessarily have to think out everything. Knowing me, it might work better if I do, but maybe not. You just write to discover. What's going to happen in this world? Is this going to happen or that? I don't know, because I haven't written it yet. Perhaps you stumble along and suddenly you realize that one of your main characters has to die. Welp. That sucks for you. But that's what's going to happen.
I mean, if you stick with the whole idea, that is. At that point in the book you've probably already come up with stuffs, so you could probably just go and change a few things so your precious character doesn't die, but.
Anyway. So yeah. I want to write. I've started something earlier today. Wrote it while in the hot tub, eating a bowl of ice cream (thanks for the idea, again, person that I'm referring to). Main character was born with slick white hair, which I connected to magic prophecies etc. because I felt like it. Obviously I could talk more about it, but I don't want to, so.
((You know, I used to run my posts through grammarly and check them bunches, but recently I haven't been, so, yeah. Just a random note.))
I feel kind of inadequate trying to write a story. It's weird. I know that I'm, in theory, good at writing, but I feel like I should do so much before I simply start writing something. Listen to Writing Excuses, for example. There's so much useful stuff there. But it's such a big block. How much should I listen to it before I'm suddenly 'prepared'? etc.
Or, another thing that I should probably totally do, but idk, is, you know, actually think out the story. Make plot points. Think about character development. More fully flesh out the magic system. Come up with random scenes and make an outline for them. Outline everything.
But even though I kind of want to do all of that, I don't want to do any of it.
Hm. Maybe. It might just be more of a time commitment issue. I want to do so much; I have to cut out some stuff.
Do I want to have writing in my future at all? I mean, I think the answer is yes, but what does that entail? Do I just go off on my normal major/career choice (whatever that may be) and just write stuff off on the side? Try to publish something randomly? Even though my career has nothing to do with English (probably)? It doesn't seem like that bad of an idea. If I enjoy writing, then why not, I guess.
Although the funny thing is I'm not fully sure if I do enjoy writing. I'm assuming I do. It's always interested me. I don't see why it wouldn't. But I've never actually done it. The most I've ever written on a story is a couple pages. Do I just enjoy coming up with stories/characters/worlds/magic systems/whatever, but not the actual process of making that into a comprehensive, interesting, compelling story? Idk. That's something I'll just have to figure out, I suppose.
Figuring out stuff as you write is totally a thing, though. I don't necessarily have to think out everything. Knowing me, it might work better if I do, but maybe not. You just write to discover. What's going to happen in this world? Is this going to happen or that? I don't know, because I haven't written it yet. Perhaps you stumble along and suddenly you realize that one of your main characters has to die. Welp. That sucks for you. But that's what's going to happen.
I mean, if you stick with the whole idea, that is. At that point in the book you've probably already come up with stuffs, so you could probably just go and change a few things so your precious character doesn't die, but.
Anyway. So yeah. I want to write. I've started something earlier today. Wrote it while in the hot tub, eating a bowl of ice cream (thanks for the idea, again, person that I'm referring to). Main character was born with slick white hair, which I connected to magic prophecies etc. because I felt like it. Obviously I could talk more about it, but I don't want to, so.
((You know, I used to run my posts through grammarly and check them bunches, but recently I haven't been, so, yeah. Just a random note.))
Monday, November 20, 2017
OSTATUMSBWBJF,IDK: Other Stuff That Actually Takes Up More Space But Was Basically Just Filler, I Don't Know
It's surprising how often I come in writing a blog post about no specific topic, but by the end I get a general topic. I always name my posts after I create them, because I rarely have any idea where I'm going with these things. I kind of just go for it. We'll see if anything comes up this time.
I didn't really have anything else to do, so I decided to write this. I'll probably go back to Stardew Valley after I write this, though. I played a decent amount earlier, but I don't want to play too too much in one day or else I feel lame, so I've been doing other stuff. The game is really quite good. I'm growing all the blueberries right now! (and by that I mean, like, 39 (which is a lot, granted (well, a lot for my point in the game, at least)))
Thanksgiving this week! And then a month later it's Reuel's birthday!! (Oh, and Christmas, I suppose). ((I'm not sure why I feel it necessary to clarify that I'm joking here. I am super excited for Christmas (and Reuel's birthday. I don't really know why; I just like to make a big deal out of it)))
That's actually about all I want to write. I'm getting no inspiration to write anything more. So this is all I'm posting, I guess. The post doesn't really have a purpose, but it doesn't need one. Allowing me to just type something is purpose all its own.
(Turns out the title was the most interesting thing about this blog post. Funny.)
OSTATUMSBWBJF,IDK: Other Stuff That Actually Takes Up More Space But Was Basically Just Filler, I Don't Know
It's surprising how often I come in writing a blog post about no specific topic, but by the end I get a general topic. I always name my posts after I create them, because I rarely have any idea where I'm going with these things. I kind of just go for it. We'll see if anything comes up this time.
I didn't really have anything else to do, so I decided to write this. I'll probably go back to Stardew Valley after I write this, though. I played a decent amount earlier, but I don't want to play too too much in one day or else I feel lame, so I've been doing other stuff. The game is really quite good. I'm growing all the blueberries right now! (and by that I mean, like, 39 (which is a lot, granted (well, a lot for my point in the game, at least)))
Thanksgiving this week! And then a month later it's Reuel's birthday!! (Oh, and Christmas, I suppose). ((I'm not sure why I feel it necessary to clarify that I'm joking here. I am super excited for Christmas (and Reuel's birthday. I don't really know why; I just like to make a big deal out of it)))
That's actually about all I want to write. I'm getting no inspiration to write anything more. So this is all I'm posting, I guess. The post doesn't really have a purpose, but it doesn't need one. Allowing me to just type something is purpose all its own.
(Turns out the title was the most interesting thing about this blog post. Funny.)
Thursday, November 16, 2017
(Fun) Things I Need to Do
Still don't remember what I was going to talk about last time, so whatever, I guess.
Don't really feel like talking about Ashes right now either, so I'll just talk about other stuff.
I changed my Change in Lists List to a List format, so I can keep all the changes, but it will only show a few at a time. Just a random note.
Reading Plans (in order): Oathbringer, Alloy of Law, Shadows of Self, Bands of Mourning, Mistborn: Secret History, Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell, Sixth of Dusk, The Hope of Elantris, The Eleventh Metal, The Burning Bridge.
And then other stuff, I just don't have an order for them. Snapshot, Legion, Legion 2, Alcatraz 5, Glass Castle, and Slaughterhouse-Five will come after in some order. I'll figure it out and update you later.
Clarification: I have already read Alloy of Law, Shadows of Self, Bands of Mourning, and The Eleventh Metal. The Burning Bridge is the second book in the Ranger's Apprentice series.
I've got a lot of reading ahead of me, but I'm ok with that. Oh, and somewhere in there is Anthem because I might be using it for a book report. I've already read it and annotated it a ridiculous amount for AP English last year, but I love it enough to go through it yet again. It just sounded like a good idea.
For my 3rd and final book report I'm going to use Mistborn, I think. Sounds like a good idea.
Some time in between that list I'll revamp my Favorite Books list, and then I'll update it more after finishing the other books.
Other things I need/want to do (only counting activities that are individual (and only counting things I actually want to do, not things like look at colleges and such)):
Rewatch a couple of my favorite anime/Watch a couple others. I'll come around to those eventually; it's near the bottom of my list of things to do.
Play Stardew Valley.
Play Skyrim.
Play Civ V.
Play Fire Emblem: Fates.
Finish Breath of the Wild.
Play Majora's Mask.
Play Ocrina of Time.
Play Snake Pass.
Play Geometric Game thinsofdinskofjdklsfjkds (EDIT: I forgot to replace the random letters with the actual name, but now I'm too lazy to get the Switch and see what's it's called)
Flippin' get the NAT to work (once that's done: Play Splatoon 2)
Play Ashes.
Play other board games, of course.
Listen to music.
Continue to write blog posts.
Play tennis.
Do other stuff with my life that I want to do sometime.
Don't really feel like talking about Ashes right now either, so I'll just talk about other stuff.
I changed my Change in Lists List to a List format, so I can keep all the changes, but it will only show a few at a time. Just a random note.
Reading Plans (in order): Oathbringer, Alloy of Law, Shadows of Self, Bands of Mourning, Mistborn: Secret History, Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell, Sixth of Dusk, The Hope of Elantris, The Eleventh Metal, The Burning Bridge.
And then other stuff, I just don't have an order for them. Snapshot, Legion, Legion 2, Alcatraz 5, Glass Castle, and Slaughterhouse-Five will come after in some order. I'll figure it out and update you later.
Clarification: I have already read Alloy of Law, Shadows of Self, Bands of Mourning, and The Eleventh Metal. The Burning Bridge is the second book in the Ranger's Apprentice series.
I've got a lot of reading ahead of me, but I'm ok with that. Oh, and somewhere in there is Anthem because I might be using it for a book report. I've already read it and annotated it a ridiculous amount for AP English last year, but I love it enough to go through it yet again. It just sounded like a good idea.
For my 3rd and final book report I'm going to use Mistborn, I think. Sounds like a good idea.
Some time in between that list I'll revamp my Favorite Books list, and then I'll update it more after finishing the other books.
Other things I need/want to do (only counting activities that are individual (and only counting things I actually want to do, not things like look at colleges and such)):
Rewatch a couple of my favorite anime/Watch a couple others. I'll come around to those eventually; it's near the bottom of my list of things to do.
Play Stardew Valley.
Play Skyrim.
Play Civ V.
Play Fire Emblem: Fates.
Finish Breath of the Wild.
Play Majora's Mask.
Play Ocrina of Time.
Play Snake Pass.
Play Geometric Game thinsofdinskofjdklsfjkds (EDIT: I forgot to replace the random letters with the actual name, but now I'm too lazy to get the Switch and see what's it's called)
Flippin' get the NAT to work (once that's done: Play Splatoon 2)
Play Ashes.
Play other board games, of course.
Listen to music.
Continue to write blog posts.
Play tennis.
Do other stuff with my life that I want to do sometime.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Minor Post about Ashes
Currently in AP Stats. The next few days in class we're just preparing for the test and doing project stuff, both of which I have little motivation to do. They're not that important right now, so I'm not concerned.
Going to relisten to the most recent podcast by The Main Action. It's downloading on my phone right now, so after it finishes I'll start listening to that. It might be a little difficult to listen and type at the same time, but I'll probably be fine.
Speaking of which, I'm finally getting back into Ashes, and it makes me happy. I love the game, and I missed the community greatly. Deck building is basically as much fun as playing the game itself, which is great because that's often the only thing I have time for. I haven't yet played a game with any of the new cards, but hopefully will very soon. I think I've figured out the deck I'm going to use for my first deck. It looks really good. Granted, I don't know much of the meta anymore so I'm ignorant in a lot of places, but I think it should be good. We'll see.
I feel like there was something else I was going to talk about. I could talk more about Ashes, but nah.
This works for now, I guess. I'll post another something soon, probably. I'll either just ramble more about Ashes and stuff that very few of you understand anything about, or go back to the thing that I'm currently forgetting about, but was originally planning on talking about.
Oh, and this looks like it will be Posted as Alexander Perazzo. The first post to do so. That's cool, I guess.
Going to relisten to the most recent podcast by The Main Action. It's downloading on my phone right now, so after it finishes I'll start listening to that. It might be a little difficult to listen and type at the same time, but I'll probably be fine.
Speaking of which, I'm finally getting back into Ashes, and it makes me happy. I love the game, and I missed the community greatly. Deck building is basically as much fun as playing the game itself, which is great because that's often the only thing I have time for. I haven't yet played a game with any of the new cards, but hopefully will very soon. I think I've figured out the deck I'm going to use for my first deck. It looks really good. Granted, I don't know much of the meta anymore so I'm ignorant in a lot of places, but I think it should be good. We'll see.
I feel like there was something else I was going to talk about. I could talk more about Ashes, but nah.
This works for now, I guess. I'll post another something soon, probably. I'll either just ramble more about Ashes and stuff that very few of you understand anything about, or go back to the thing that I'm currently forgetting about, but was originally planning on talking about.
Oh, and this looks like it will be Posted as Alexander Perazzo. The first post to do so. That's cool, I guess.
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Wrote this in a video in Video Production
Acting like I’m typing an important paper while writing this. Jefrey had some problems with stuffs, so he needed to refilm everything, and this time I’m going to be his talent. I don’t really like being talent, but I’m getting more used to it after doing Bleed Green News (Watching myself do talent is the worst. I know that theoretically I did alright, but I feel so cringy and awful when watching the BGN, and meh), and after allegedly being sealed in to do talent for Skills this year. I might talk about that in a different post. I’m still going to avoid the music video dancing like the plague, though. Probably. I don't think I'm that much out of my shell.
That means I’m typing this on a google docs first, which means I have paragraph indents, which are always a nice thing. I’m also doing some Calc on the side. I’m going to continue to type this even though I don’t know what’s going on. I just need to continue typing stuff, so it looks like I’m doing something in this video. You might actually be able to read this in the video, which would be cool. Especially since I love it when videos have those random things that you can pause on, and it’s absolute gibberish. Newspapers are a prime example of this. You can put whatever Easter eggs in a newspaper as you desire. It’s pretty great.
Writing this right before I post: Yeah, I guess I'm just going to post this as is, idk. Sounds good, I guess. If I want to type about something different, I'll just make a new post.
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Game Things: Both of the Board and Video Variety
(and a little about books at the end)
I was going to do this on a more specific topic and such. Maybe put in some research into it. But I don't feel like it. So I'm just going to write whatever about the topics or whatever.
Board Game Business:
I looked into Charterstone a little (so I guess I did do a little bit of research). It looks intriguing. It looks like a solid game. Dream crew for playing it would be: Andrew, Eric, Joseph, and Ryan (supposing Ryan would be interested, since I know he isn't as into these style games as we are (but maybe I'm wrong there, idk)). Naturally, of course, that would be years into the future. After my mission. Probably even after I get married. That far off. It would be a while. The future scares me.
Granted, Andrew, Eric, Joseph, and Ryan are like my dream four people that I want to play any game with. Even 5 player Tzolk'in would be fun with them. Note: I dislike 5 player Tzolk'in more than other people by a lot. In theory it's not that bad, but I hate it, so that's saying something.
Time wise, though, we're not going to get our perfect little group for every Legacy Game we want to play. Eric and I are probably going to have to play Pandemic Legacy: Season 2 alone, which will be fantastic, of course, it would just be even more fantastic if other things came to be.
Though replaying Season 1 does have a lot of my interest, so maybe we could do that. And then later come back and replay Season 2. The time gaps for Eric and I would probably be big enough to make the games extremely fresh again. Never as fresh as our original play, naturally, but I think it might work out. Idk.
This all just makes me realize that I haven't played board games in forever and that needs to change.
In Switch Business:
Super Mario Odyssey came out. Want that. Sometime. I don't know when or how, but sometime I'm (probably) going to get that game. Not sure if the Jamieson's wanted to contribute to this purchase or not, I don't know.
Also, Skyrim is going to come out. Want that. Sometime. If I preorder it I get 12 bucks off, but for some reason I'm holding back for now. Probably because, if I really wanted to, I could steal the Jamieson's Xbox and just play their copy at our house. But it just wouldn't be the same as having on the Switch. I don't know what I'm going to do. I have money now, but I'm need to be careful in my buying decisions. (says the guy that sporadically helped buy the Switch in the first place)
Still need to finish Breath of the Wild. I'm basically at the boss, so I should just go in there at beat him. I can play other end game stuff later if I want, but for now I just want to have finished the game.
NAT types are still super annoying.
Played a little bit more Stardew Valley. Only 15 minutes or so the other day, but it was and is looking to be a really fun experience.
Updates on Books Business:
Finished The Well of Ascension. Reading The Hero of Ages. Need to finish it before Oathbringer comes out, so I can jump right into reading that.
I'm also thinking about revamping my Books Lists for several reasons that I'll explain in the post. I did just go from being hesitant about the revamping the list to certain about it in the course of that sentence, that is correct.
In conclusion: I'm excited for what the future will bring. But also terrified. Constantly terrified. And disheartened. But that's ok, I guess. Kind of ok. Idk.
I was going to do this on a more specific topic and such. Maybe put in some research into it. But I don't feel like it. So I'm just going to write whatever about the topics or whatever.
Board Game Business:
I looked into Charterstone a little (so I guess I did do a little bit of research). It looks intriguing. It looks like a solid game. Dream crew for playing it would be: Andrew, Eric, Joseph, and Ryan (supposing Ryan would be interested, since I know he isn't as into these style games as we are (but maybe I'm wrong there, idk)). Naturally, of course, that would be years into the future. After my mission. Probably even after I get married. That far off. It would be a while. The future scares me.
Granted, Andrew, Eric, Joseph, and Ryan are like my dream four people that I want to play any game with. Even 5 player Tzolk'in would be fun with them. Note: I dislike 5 player Tzolk'in more than other people by a lot. In theory it's not that bad, but I hate it, so that's saying something.
Time wise, though, we're not going to get our perfect little group for every Legacy Game we want to play. Eric and I are probably going to have to play Pandemic Legacy: Season 2 alone, which will be fantastic, of course, it would just be even more fantastic if other things came to be.
Though replaying Season 1 does have a lot of my interest, so maybe we could do that. And then later come back and replay Season 2. The time gaps for Eric and I would probably be big enough to make the games extremely fresh again. Never as fresh as our original play, naturally, but I think it might work out. Idk.
This all just makes me realize that I haven't played board games in forever and that needs to change.
In Switch Business:
Super Mario Odyssey came out. Want that. Sometime. I don't know when or how, but sometime I'm (probably) going to get that game. Not sure if the Jamieson's wanted to contribute to this purchase or not, I don't know.
Also, Skyrim is going to come out. Want that. Sometime. If I preorder it I get 12 bucks off, but for some reason I'm holding back for now. Probably because, if I really wanted to, I could steal the Jamieson's Xbox and just play their copy at our house. But it just wouldn't be the same as having on the Switch. I don't know what I'm going to do. I have money now, but I'm need to be careful in my buying decisions. (says the guy that sporadically helped buy the Switch in the first place)
Still need to finish Breath of the Wild. I'm basically at the boss, so I should just go in there at beat him. I can play other end game stuff later if I want, but for now I just want to have finished the game.
NAT types are still super annoying.
Played a little bit more Stardew Valley. Only 15 minutes or so the other day, but it was and is looking to be a really fun experience.
Updates on Books Business:
Finished The Well of Ascension. Reading The Hero of Ages. Need to finish it before Oathbringer comes out, so I can jump right into reading that.
I'm also thinking about revamping my Books Lists for several reasons that I'll explain in the post. I did just go from being hesitant about the revamping the list to certain about it in the course of that sentence, that is correct.
In conclusion: I'm excited for what the future will bring. But also terrified. Constantly terrified. And disheartened. But that's ok, I guess. Kind of ok. Idk.
Friday, November 3, 2017
Guest Writers
Finally figured out how to publish stuff as myself and such. A while back I saw that you could invite people to edit your blog, but it never worked until now. So I invited myself. Except depending on who clicked 'make new post' and such changes things, so I don't know how it all works exactly. But, point being, I'm using my normal email (not my parents) and I'm typing this directly into the blog making web browser thingy. So that's useful.
The whole idea that you could invite other people to post on your blog is a cool idea to me. I don't know if I'm going to do anything with it, but it's there.
It's like that one time on Eric's blog when he wanted to go to bed, but hadn't posted a blog post yet. So I took over for that day and wrote a blog post for him. It was super cool. You can check it out here.
Posted that almost a year ago. 10 months (roughly). The changes in some of my basic writing is pretty cool to notice. I used the word 'anyways', and now I only use anyway. Still used parenthesis in parenthesis. But, most importantly, I used a tilda ('tilde' still seems wrong, so I'm sticking with this spelling for forever). Good job me.
(Side note: writing parts of this while watching the history movie; the sub hasn't kicked me off my chromebook yet, so this is what I'm doing, while half paying attention to the movie. We'll see how long that lasts. (Turned out to last the whole block. Cool.)) The movie is actually getting slightly better.
Oh, Happy Birthday to myself, I suppose. I didn't mention my birthday after it happened, only before (Oh, except the ice cream, I suppose, but I don't think I mentioned anything else really). Normally I have a birthday post, I think? Anyway, I'll talk about it briefly here:
Did as planned and just hung out doing nothing. It was nice. Did some homework.
Got Fantastic Mr. Fox, and Stardew Valley. Haven't used either yet (I guess I did play Stardew Valley for half an hour or so, but didn't get very far at all (Thomas and Ben have played it a decent amount, so it hasn't been unused at all. I'll get time to play some more sometime)). I was going to get Blurryface, but we know we have a copy running around somewhere, so we held off. If we can't find it soon, however, I'll get it as a late birthday present. (We already have and know where Vessel is, or else I would get Vessel instead).
The movie is getting significantly better.
The whole idea that you could invite other people to post on your blog is a cool idea to me. I don't know if I'm going to do anything with it, but it's there.
It's like that one time on Eric's blog when he wanted to go to bed, but hadn't posted a blog post yet. So I took over for that day and wrote a blog post for him. It was super cool. You can check it out here.
Posted that almost a year ago. 10 months (roughly). The changes in some of my basic writing is pretty cool to notice. I used the word 'anyways', and now I only use anyway. Still used parenthesis in parenthesis. But, most importantly, I used a tilda ('tilde' still seems wrong, so I'm sticking with this spelling for forever). Good job me.
(Side note: writing parts of this while watching the history movie; the sub hasn't kicked me off my chromebook yet, so this is what I'm doing, while half paying attention to the movie. We'll see how long that lasts. (Turned out to last the whole block. Cool.)) The movie is actually getting slightly better.
Oh, Happy Birthday to myself, I suppose. I didn't mention my birthday after it happened, only before (Oh, except the ice cream, I suppose, but I don't think I mentioned anything else really). Normally I have a birthday post, I think? Anyway, I'll talk about it briefly here:
Did as planned and just hung out doing nothing. It was nice. Did some homework.
Got Fantastic Mr. Fox, and Stardew Valley. Haven't used either yet (I guess I did play Stardew Valley for half an hour or so, but didn't get very far at all (Thomas and Ben have played it a decent amount, so it hasn't been unused at all. I'll get time to play some more sometime)). I was going to get Blurryface, but we know we have a copy running around somewhere, so we held off. If we can't find it soon, however, I'll get it as a late birthday present. (We already have and know where Vessel is, or else I would get Vessel instead).
The movie is getting significantly better.
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
History Movie and Lead
This movie kind of really sucks. (This is my other post I'm writing while watching the movie). Actually, now that I think about it, we're suppose to watch this movie for the next three days, so I'll have a lot of time to write about random stuff.
.9mm lead is my favorite. .8mm might be better, but I haven't tried it (if it exists in the first place (I'm assuming it does, but that it's just not very popular/they don't make common pencils with them)). I used to prefer thinner lead like .7 or .5, but now I'm really liking this .9 lead pencil (clarification point: I'm talking about mechanical pencils, not normal pencils. Because sized lead normal pencils is a thing? I think?). Don't know why, but all the lines and such feel so nice.
I really don't like this movie. At least the dresses and such are nice and remind me of the balls in Mistborn. That's the only thing I like in it so far. It's ok, I guess, but meh. Oh... and it just had a piano piece that I love for like 3 seconds. That was nice. (One of the pieces my mom likes to listen to, but I couldn't tell you which one). (The movie is about the Spanish-American War, in case you were wondering).
Yay! We're done for the day. So far there's only one character I like. The rest are rather annoying.
(Writing this part the day before it's going up. Scheduling this and the next post, and it feels really weird. I haven't scheduled posts in forever. Just thought I'd mention it. Putting this one to go up at 2:00am; it just sounded like a good time. Don't ask me why, I don't know either.)
.9mm lead is my favorite. .8mm might be better, but I haven't tried it (if it exists in the first place (I'm assuming it does, but that it's just not very popular/they don't make common pencils with them)). I used to prefer thinner lead like .7 or .5, but now I'm really liking this .9 lead pencil (clarification point: I'm talking about mechanical pencils, not normal pencils. Because sized lead normal pencils is a thing? I think?). Don't know why, but all the lines and such feel so nice.
I really don't like this movie. At least the dresses and such are nice and remind me of the balls in Mistborn. That's the only thing I like in it so far. It's ok, I guess, but meh. Oh... and it just had a piano piece that I love for like 3 seconds. That was nice. (One of the pieces my mom likes to listen to, but I couldn't tell you which one). (The movie is about the Spanish-American War, in case you were wondering).
Yay! We're done for the day. So far there's only one character I like. The rest are rather annoying.
(Writing this part the day before it's going up. Scheduling this and the next post, and it feels really weird. I haven't scheduled posts in forever. Just thought I'd mention it. Putting this one to go up at 2:00am; it just sounded like a good time. Don't ask me why, I don't know either.)
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Email System
A lot of these posts are probably going to be composed in classes. Specifically US History. Normally I just read in here instead of doing work, but I’ll mix in some blog post making too. Right now we’re watching a movie, so I don’t have ... and the sub kicked me off my chromebook. And I'm assuming she's not going to let me start reading (we're suppose to be doing a KQL (Know-Questions-Learn) worksheet, but they barely take any effort), so instead I took out a paper. I'm writing this out, and then I'll type it up later.
Except I forgot that I already typed up the rest of this blog post before I started making this portion, so I guess I'll start writing a different blog post. Don't know what I'm going to talk about, but I'll brainstorm a little, and probably write random stuff.
This chromebook email system is super annoying. You’re only allowed to be signed into one email at a time. And it doesn’t like signing in from different sources other than email (as in, I can’t sign in from youtube, or blogger (except maybe you can? I don't know, sometimes it works, other times it doesn't)) so every time I want to check my email or google classroom I have to sign out of whatever email and sign in to my school email. And then if I want to sign into my normal gmail account so I can look at my youtube subscriptions/emails, I have to sign out and then sign in with my normal email. And then if I want to write or publish a blog post/edit lists, I have to sign out and sign in with my parent’s email. I’m constantly having to shift between which emails I’m using, and it’s incredibly inefficient. I think I have finally figured out a way to connect other emails to my blog, so I think I might be able to start using my normal email to do stuff on my blog, and that would make things a little simpler.
This chromebook email system is super annoying. You’re only allowed to be signed into one email at a time. And it doesn’t like signing in from different sources other than email (as in, I can’t sign in from youtube, or blogger (except maybe you can? I don't know, sometimes it works, other times it doesn't)) so every time I want to check my email or google classroom I have to sign out of whatever email and sign in to my school email. And then if I want to sign into my normal gmail account so I can look at my youtube subscriptions/emails, I have to sign out and then sign in with my normal email. And then if I want to write or publish a blog post/edit lists, I have to sign out and sign in with my parent’s email. I’m constantly having to shift between which emails I’m using, and it’s incredibly inefficient. I think I have finally figured out a way to connect other emails to my blog, so I think I might be able to start using my normal email to do stuff on my blog, and that would make things a little simpler.
Oh, and I'm posting this on Nevada day, so Happy Nevada Day!
Monday, October 30, 2017
Reverse question marks are great, btw. I'm not sure if the meaning I use them in comes across, but.
Some have made it known to me that they wish I posted more. I do too. It's actually incredibly weird to have this new section of an audience. Yes, I've always had my family, but now I have a couple-few friends along for the ride of whatever I desire to put out into the world. (so, point being, ¿I'm going to post more?)
My one rule of thumb, however, is if I am going to try and commit myself to posting more, I refuse to feel any form of guilt if I do not post for a long period of time. I can do whatever I want. I'm sticking to my blog's name. Currently, though, my wants and desires happen to align with others.
So, yeah. We'll see what happens. Normally I don't make these sort of posts, and just tell myself what the plan is; that way I have no form of commitment, but this case is different, I guess.
Also with this perhaps increase in blog posts, shorter posts (like this one, for example) will become more of a thing. Which is fine, of course, I just wanted to point it out both to myself and to everyone.
Some have made it known to me that they wish I posted more. I do too. It's actually incredibly weird to have this new section of an audience. Yes, I've always had my family, but now I have a couple-few friends along for the ride of whatever I desire to put out into the world. (so, point being, ¿I'm going to post more?)
My one rule of thumb, however, is if I am going to try and commit myself to posting more, I refuse to feel any form of guilt if I do not post for a long period of time. I can do whatever I want. I'm sticking to my blog's name. Currently, though, my wants and desires happen to align with others.
So, yeah. We'll see what happens. Normally I don't make these sort of posts, and just tell myself what the plan is; that way I have no form of commitment, but this case is different, I guess.
Also with this perhaps increase in blog posts, shorter posts (like this one, for example) will become more of a thing. Which is fine, of course, I just wanted to point it out both to myself and to everyone.
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Thoughts on Music and Such
'Such' first (aka, random stuff (even though that's not how I use 'and such' normally, but that's what I'm using it for here)):
I've been wanting to write more. Naturally, of course, my blog is my first spot to go to (although I totally want to get into more writing stories and such etc. Not necessarily actually writing, but the theory behind it all or whatever, and then maybe later getting more into writing itself if I feel like it). Although I rarely know specifically what I want to write about, so I write about everything and nothing.
Random thought: Am I hearing silence (in between me typing (because obviously I can hear me typing)) or am I just hearing a form of ambient noise? Have I ever heard true silence? Or at least anywhere close to it?
Oh, I also wanted to talk briefly about the new section I added. It tells you the changes I make to my lists and when I made them. I don't know long each individual notification section thingy will stay there, but I'll get rid of them periodically. It's for my use because I think it's cool and useful for me, but it's also for any who care because beforehand it was difficult to see if anything changed without me dedicating a whole blog post to a list being revamped. So, yeah, that's a thing.
Anyway. Music.
Music is scary. I'm scared of what it can do to me (and what it can do to others, but I'm just going to talk about me because I can do what I want). If you know I'm going someplace, and have one of a couple certain songs (of which I won't reveal) playing when I arrive, I'll basically just shut down. A simple song can do that to me. It's like I'm scared of the power others have over me if they know what those songs are or something, idk. At the same time it's kind of nice? Vulnerability makes people seem more human, so having something like that isn't all bad.
It holds such power. It not only can break me down, but build me up. Make me feel better. Make me feel determined. Make me feel resolution. Make me feel the Spirit.
Just one note can invoke such raw emotion in my heart. Especially when I play it myself on the piano. Playing the opening note to Implicit Demand for Proof and just holding it, closing my eyes, and filling my soul with the sound. It's incredibly peaceful.
But the moment only lasts so long. Eventually you have to continue with life. You get lost in the moment; only those emotions are there. You escape the world and enter your own heart instead. It's a beautiful, serene moment, but it comes to an end. And that's life. We have to deal with that.
I used to not listen to music; for why would I want my emotions to be changed? (I've been using semicolons a lot recently, and it's cool, but I actually don't know if I'm using them correctly all the time, but that's fine). My emotions are mine and mine alone. But, even though I still agree to an extent with my past self, music is so much more than that. It's the art of it all. It's the connection, both with the song and those around you. It's the awesomeness.
I could talk a little about my original philosophy, and why I mostly disagree with it now, but I don't feel like it. I would relate it to some of Breeze's talk about emotional Allomancy in Mistborn and other things, but nah (update on reading: Reread Mistborn and am now on to The Well of Ascension. After that I'll reread The Hero of Ages. Then I'll glance back over Mistborn and start making a book report on it, I think. By then Oathbringer will have been released, and I'll jump on that amazingness (A week ago or so I had a dream where Oathbringer was just terrible, and that sucked. But I have full faith in Brandon and everyone who helped him to make it to make it into epicness. I can't see that book being bad. It's just not a possibility.)).
I'm sure I could write more, but this is good for now.
I've been wanting to write more. Naturally, of course, my blog is my first spot to go to (although I totally want to get into more writing stories and such etc. Not necessarily actually writing, but the theory behind it all or whatever, and then maybe later getting more into writing itself if I feel like it). Although I rarely know specifically what I want to write about, so I write about everything and nothing.
Random thought: Am I hearing silence (in between me typing (because obviously I can hear me typing)) or am I just hearing a form of ambient noise? Have I ever heard true silence? Or at least anywhere close to it?
Oh, I also wanted to talk briefly about the new section I added. It tells you the changes I make to my lists and when I made them. I don't know long each individual notification section thingy will stay there, but I'll get rid of them periodically. It's for my use because I think it's cool and useful for me, but it's also for any who care because beforehand it was difficult to see if anything changed without me dedicating a whole blog post to a list being revamped. So, yeah, that's a thing.
Anyway. Music.
Music is scary. I'm scared of what it can do to me (and what it can do to others, but I'm just going to talk about me because I can do what I want). If you know I'm going someplace, and have one of a couple certain songs (of which I won't reveal) playing when I arrive, I'll basically just shut down. A simple song can do that to me. It's like I'm scared of the power others have over me if they know what those songs are or something, idk. At the same time it's kind of nice? Vulnerability makes people seem more human, so having something like that isn't all bad.
It holds such power. It not only can break me down, but build me up. Make me feel better. Make me feel determined. Make me feel resolution. Make me feel the Spirit.
Just one note can invoke such raw emotion in my heart. Especially when I play it myself on the piano. Playing the opening note to Implicit Demand for Proof and just holding it, closing my eyes, and filling my soul with the sound. It's incredibly peaceful.
But the moment only lasts so long. Eventually you have to continue with life. You get lost in the moment; only those emotions are there. You escape the world and enter your own heart instead. It's a beautiful, serene moment, but it comes to an end. And that's life. We have to deal with that.
I used to not listen to music; for why would I want my emotions to be changed? (I've been using semicolons a lot recently, and it's cool, but I actually don't know if I'm using them correctly all the time, but that's fine). My emotions are mine and mine alone. But, even though I still agree to an extent with my past self, music is so much more than that. It's the art of it all. It's the connection, both with the song and those around you. It's the awesomeness.
I could talk a little about my original philosophy, and why I mostly disagree with it now, but I don't feel like it. I would relate it to some of Breeze's talk about emotional Allomancy in Mistborn and other things, but nah (update on reading: Reread Mistborn and am now on to The Well of Ascension. After that I'll reread The Hero of Ages. Then I'll glance back over Mistborn and start making a book report on it, I think. By then Oathbringer will have been released, and I'll jump on that amazingness (A week ago or so I had a dream where Oathbringer was just terrible, and that sucked. But I have full faith in Brandon and everyone who helped him to make it to make it into epicness. I can't see that book being bad. It's just not a possibility.)).
I'm sure I could write more, but this is good for now.
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Continuing to have no specific topic
Getting four cartons of ice cream is one of the better parts of birthdays. It's like a present in and of itself. Ice cream is really good (is really well? English still doesn't make sense (not like it ever did in the first place, but still))
Pandemic Legacy: Season 2 is being released at the end of this month?!?!?!?!?!?! According to CoolStuffInc, expected release is October 26th, and I am so ready. I kind of want to replay the first season again; maybe with more brothers? That would be really fun. Eric and I, of course, would stay silent with our knowledge. I suspect that I probably forgot a lot of the things that would help us, though, so I'm not sure if I would affect it all too much.
Finished Words of Radiance again! It was super good (of course). Still think the ending was a bit rushed and was kind of confusing, but it made more sense on my 2nd read. Oathbringer might be, like, the best book. Currently Hero of Ages still places #1 for me, but I could see Oathbringer changing that.
Jobs are nice. The money that comes from them is also nice. Got a tutoring job at the High School that I start tomorrow, so that's exciting. Hopefully people will only come in for math, since that's what I know best. It'll be good to help people, have additional job experience, and have some extra cash, of course. Although I've just been chucking all my money into my bank account, so it's not like I really have any more money in my wallet or anything. But if I really do want to buy something, I'll just go for it. I won't worry about what is my "spending money" vs. "saving money". Since I'm finding myself not really wanting to buy anything, I think I'll be fine. Basically, I mean, that whenever I want to buy something, I'll figure that I'll have saved enough money in what would be my "spending money" category to buy it. So I do. I hope that made sense.
NAT type is still D, which means I still can't play Splatoon 2 online, which sucks. I haven't tried to fix it recently since it just makes me frustrated, but I really want to play that game. It makes me really sad that we can't. Although, granted, I haven't really spent that much time playing video games recently, but I would play some more if that game worked. I also haven't been watching anime recently either. In a middle of a season, so I should really just finish that sometime. And then I can have as long of a hiatus as I want. Stopping in the middle of a season makes little sense.
Speaking of hiatuses: twenty one pilots. I'm waiting. I'm excited. I don't know what's next, but I want it.
Pandemic Legacy: Season 2 is being released at the end of this month?!?!?!?!?!?! According to CoolStuffInc, expected release is October 26th, and I am so ready. I kind of want to replay the first season again; maybe with more brothers? That would be really fun. Eric and I, of course, would stay silent with our knowledge. I suspect that I probably forgot a lot of the things that would help us, though, so I'm not sure if I would affect it all too much.
Finished Words of Radiance again! It was super good (of course). Still think the ending was a bit rushed and was kind of confusing, but it made more sense on my 2nd read. Oathbringer might be, like, the best book. Currently Hero of Ages still places #1 for me, but I could see Oathbringer changing that.
Jobs are nice. The money that comes from them is also nice. Got a tutoring job at the High School that I start tomorrow, so that's exciting. Hopefully people will only come in for math, since that's what I know best. It'll be good to help people, have additional job experience, and have some extra cash, of course. Although I've just been chucking all my money into my bank account, so it's not like I really have any more money in my wallet or anything. But if I really do want to buy something, I'll just go for it. I won't worry about what is my "spending money" vs. "saving money". Since I'm finding myself not really wanting to buy anything, I think I'll be fine. Basically, I mean, that whenever I want to buy something, I'll figure that I'll have saved enough money in what would be my "spending money" category to buy it. So I do. I hope that made sense.
NAT type is still D, which means I still can't play Splatoon 2 online, which sucks. I haven't tried to fix it recently since it just makes me frustrated, but I really want to play that game. It makes me really sad that we can't. Although, granted, I haven't really spent that much time playing video games recently, but I would play some more if that game worked. I also haven't been watching anime recently either. In a middle of a season, so I should really just finish that sometime. And then I can have as long of a hiatus as I want. Stopping in the middle of a season makes little sense.
Speaking of hiatuses: twenty one pilots. I'm waiting. I'm excited. I don't know what's next, but I want it.
Thursday, September 28, 2017
These titles are just becoming more unoriginal
(Aka, I don't know what to title things sometimes)
I should be working on my book report right now, but I felt like writing a blog post, so that's what I'm doing. I was going to make a blog post tomorrow after I presented my book report, but meh.
Reread (most) of The Way of Kings. It was better the second time through, probably. It might have helped that I skipped some of the less important, more boring parts. I wanted to reread both books before Oathbringer comes out. Gave myself roughly two months to read the 2000 pages, so I figured I should skip some parts to make sure I finished on time. I didn't expect to have the urge to just keep reading. I ignored my homework for a weekend and a few days and basically just read most of the time. Finished way quicker than I had planned for. I'm actually forcing myself to wait a little while for my schedule to clear up before I start the 2nd book. It's incredibly difficult. I'll probably start tonight after I'm happy with my book report.
Birthday's coming up on the 10th. Don't really have anything planned, I'll probably just hang out with friends. Nothing too fancy. Turning 17, which I think is a good age because it's not like people are like "you're an adult", and with 16 they're like "Aw, so young". It's the nice sweet spot.
General Conference this weekend! I'm excited.
Tennis season is wrapping up. We just played our last official season game today. We have team regionals next week, and individuals the week after. We're going in as the number 3 seed, so we're facing South Tahoe. Last time we faced them we did well and the score was 7-11. There were two or three other close matches as well. We just have to play just as well, and win a couple more of those close calls. Plus Sam should be able to play (even though he hasn't yet, which is super annoying (now that I think about it there may or may not be a rule about having to participate during the season to play in team regionals, so maybe he won't be able to, which would really suck, so let's not think about that)), so hopefully he'll push us over the top and upset South Tahoe. It would be the first time the boy's tennis team has ever beat South Tahoe, and the first time ever going to State. It's within reach, and I want it.
Aaaahhhhhhh, book report
I should be working on my book report right now, but I felt like writing a blog post, so that's what I'm doing. I was going to make a blog post tomorrow after I presented my book report, but meh.
Reread (most) of The Way of Kings. It was better the second time through, probably. It might have helped that I skipped some of the less important, more boring parts. I wanted to reread both books before Oathbringer comes out. Gave myself roughly two months to read the 2000 pages, so I figured I should skip some parts to make sure I finished on time. I didn't expect to have the urge to just keep reading. I ignored my homework for a weekend and a few days and basically just read most of the time. Finished way quicker than I had planned for. I'm actually forcing myself to wait a little while for my schedule to clear up before I start the 2nd book. It's incredibly difficult. I'll probably start tonight after I'm happy with my book report.
Birthday's coming up on the 10th. Don't really have anything planned, I'll probably just hang out with friends. Nothing too fancy. Turning 17, which I think is a good age because it's not like people are like "you're an adult", and with 16 they're like "Aw, so young". It's the nice sweet spot.
General Conference this weekend! I'm excited.
Tennis season is wrapping up. We just played our last official season game today. We have team regionals next week, and individuals the week after. We're going in as the number 3 seed, so we're facing South Tahoe. Last time we faced them we did well and the score was 7-11. There were two or three other close matches as well. We just have to play just as well, and win a couple more of those close calls. Plus Sam should be able to play (even though he hasn't yet, which is super annoying (now that I think about it there may or may not be a rule about having to participate during the season to play in team regionals, so maybe he won't be able to, which would really suck, so let's not think about that)), so hopefully he'll push us over the top and upset South Tahoe. It would be the first time the boy's tennis team has ever beat South Tahoe, and the first time ever going to State. It's within reach, and I want it.
Aaaahhhhhhh, book report
Sunday, September 10, 2017
What I was going to entitle this reminds me of this one thing
I kind of forget what specifically that one thing was, though.
Wait... I'm pretty sure I remember it's origin now, but it might be from something else, idk. I was going to entitle this post 'Motivation' although it doesn't necessarily have much to do with the post itself. It was actually only going to be this small beginning part in which I mention that I feel motivated to write more for reasons. Yep, that was going to be the extent of how much I talk about Motivation. Felt kind of Clickbaity. Even though I don't really need a quote on quote 'clickbaity' title because the people who are going to read this/the people I want to read this are already going to do so (I mean, I guess I technically might want some random people that are currently in my head to read it as well, but the concept still applies). So there's no need to put a semi-'clickbaity' title.
The one thing that it reminded me of was an anime, I forget which one, which all it's titles for the episodes were just a one or two word thing like "Forgetfulness", "Death", "Understanding" or something like that.
Now that I think about it also reminds me of some vlogbrothers's episodes. One was entitled "On ____" (they filled in the blank, I just didn't because I don't remember exactly what it was (tbh, it might have been "On Motivation")).
The title I chose also has a clickbaity feel to it. What's 'the one thing'??? Guess I'll have to read it and find out! Idk.
That wasn't really the point of the post. The point of the post wasn't to talk about the title, believe it or not. I kind of just started rambling, which is fine. Adds stuff to the post. Adds meat. Having random words that deal with nothing is good, I guess.
The original point was to start of by saying that I feel motivated to write more for reasons, and then go on to ramble about stuff. Because when I don't really know what to write, I like to just write whatever comes to mind.
I basically already fulfilled my goal of talking briefly about motivation, and then rambling, but I could probably ramble some more.
You see, but then you don't know what to ramble about. So then you just end up rambling about not knowing what to ramble about. Which sometimes leads to something. Not really sure if it will this time since I don't have the next sentence planned out as I write this. Although I did just think of this one: Yes, I write the previous sentence and think about the next one as I write. I'm assuming that's semi-typical. Never really thought about it not being normal... soooo...
I'll probably do more rambly type posts in the future. Or more concise thoughts that are quick. Mix it up a little, idk, I'll figure it out later (figuring stuff out later seems to be a pretty consistent theme in my life).
Also, the more I look at my twenty one pilots list I keep asking myself "How the heck did you do that??". Because I feel like the way the list is set up and maintained makes it flawed in some way, idk. I have some basic theories about the idea.
I seem to be saying "idk" a lot lately and it's annoying me.
Wait... I'm pretty sure I remember it's origin now, but it might be from something else, idk. I was going to entitle this post 'Motivation' although it doesn't necessarily have much to do with the post itself. It was actually only going to be this small beginning part in which I mention that I feel motivated to write more for reasons. Yep, that was going to be the extent of how much I talk about Motivation. Felt kind of Clickbaity. Even though I don't really need a quote on quote 'clickbaity' title because the people who are going to read this/the people I want to read this are already going to do so (I mean, I guess I technically might want some random people that are currently in my head to read it as well, but the concept still applies). So there's no need to put a semi-'clickbaity' title.
The one thing that it reminded me of was an anime, I forget which one, which all it's titles for the episodes were just a one or two word thing like "Forgetfulness", "Death", "Understanding" or something like that.
Now that I think about it also reminds me of some vlogbrothers's episodes. One was entitled "On ____" (they filled in the blank, I just didn't because I don't remember exactly what it was (tbh, it might have been "On Motivation")).
The title I chose also has a clickbaity feel to it. What's 'the one thing'??? Guess I'll have to read it and find out! Idk.
That wasn't really the point of the post. The point of the post wasn't to talk about the title, believe it or not. I kind of just started rambling, which is fine. Adds stuff to the post. Adds meat. Having random words that deal with nothing is good, I guess.
The original point was to start of by saying that I feel motivated to write more for reasons, and then go on to ramble about stuff. Because when I don't really know what to write, I like to just write whatever comes to mind.
I basically already fulfilled my goal of talking briefly about motivation, and then rambling, but I could probably ramble some more.
You see, but then you don't know what to ramble about. So then you just end up rambling about not knowing what to ramble about. Which sometimes leads to something. Not really sure if it will this time since I don't have the next sentence planned out as I write this. Although I did just think of this one: Yes, I write the previous sentence and think about the next one as I write. I'm assuming that's semi-typical. Never really thought about it not being normal... soooo...
I'll probably do more rambly type posts in the future. Or more concise thoughts that are quick. Mix it up a little, idk, I'll figure it out later (figuring stuff out later seems to be a pretty consistent theme in my life).
Also, the more I look at my twenty one pilots list I keep asking myself "How the heck did you do that??". Because I feel like the way the list is set up and maintained makes it flawed in some way, idk. I have some basic theories about the idea.
I seem to be saying "idk" a lot lately and it's annoying me.
Saturday, September 2, 2017
School Update
Well my plan of how to tackle the school year has gone well thus far. If you don't know my schedule (I don't remember if I've stated it in the past) it's: 1. AP Stats 2. AP Calculus 3. US History (I dropped APUSH) 4. Video Production III 5. Honors English III 6-7. AP Physics.
Anyway, the basic plan was to be really good at math (therefore doing well in Stats, Calc, and Physics) and then survive the rest of the classes. It's worked so far with me acing the past test in Stats and Calc and allegedly doing well on the test in Physics (but we haven't gotten the scores for the last one, so I'm not sure).
My lowest grade is actually in US History with an 85 or something like that. That class sucks. I should turn in more work. You can basically turn in work however late you want so it's decently hard to get motivated, but I'll turn it in on Tuesday (no school Monday), so hopefully the grade will go up to an A.
English has projects coming up that I don't like.
Yep, that's that.
Anyway, the basic plan was to be really good at math (therefore doing well in Stats, Calc, and Physics) and then survive the rest of the classes. It's worked so far with me acing the past test in Stats and Calc and allegedly doing well on the test in Physics (but we haven't gotten the scores for the last one, so I'm not sure).
My lowest grade is actually in US History with an 85 or something like that. That class sucks. I should turn in more work. You can basically turn in work however late you want so it's decently hard to get motivated, but I'll turn it in on Tuesday (no school Monday), so hopefully the grade will go up to an A.
English has projects coming up that I don't like.
Yep, that's that.
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Responsibility? Well, kind of
I don't really know what to call it, but it's the fact that things are actually moving along in my life. Got a job (although I don't know when I'll start working or anything). Important Tennis season coming up, gotta get good. Need to continue working on my Eagle Scout, almost there. Driver's test coming up on the 30th. Am finishing up with additional math learning, this way I'll be able to take AP Calc next year.
It feels like things are actually coming together, which is weird.
I'm sure that will change when the new school year starts, so I don't have that much time to enjoy this feeling of things working together.
It feels like things are actually coming together, which is weird.
I'm sure that will change when the new school year starts, so I don't have that much time to enjoy this feeling of things working together.
Thursday, July 6, 2017
twenty one pilots list
More music related (specifically twenty one pilots) blog posts. Yay! Just what you always wanted, I'm sure.
Replacing the Brandon Sanderson characters list with this one. I'll still keep the characters list in some form some where, just not on my blog. I'll tell you if any changes happen to it. Since it changes so infrequently, it's the first list to get replaced. And the one I'm replacing it with is going to be changing very frequently. I could have organized it more, but I decided to just publish it as is and do some (decently) major updates while it's live.
Anyway, as you can tell from the title and the new list off to the side, this list ranks every single song by twenty one pilots. If you remember back one year ago I ranked all their songs. But those were in gigantic categories. I think I said the next time I would make one, I would mostly get rid of those and have 2-5 songs per category. Well, I got rid of them entirely. Somehow. They are now individually ranked. As I stated before, I have a feeling that this list will shift around quite a bit, and will never have a true ending in any form. With a new album coming out sometime, as I talked about in my previous post, the list will need a large shakeup at that point. I am soooo pumped for that album, you have little idea (I've tried to stop using the phrase 'no idea' since it is rarely true, so you'll have to deal with that for now).
I'm looking at the list right now and I can already see things that I want to shift around.
As you may notice, (if you noticed, you might have just forgotten the existence of the album (even if I mentioned it recently) no No Phun Intended songs are on the list. I find the songs incredibly difficult to rank for some weird reason, so I left them off the list.
Ok, now time to talk about random things about where I ranked certain things, since I do that with all the other lists:
Trees is the top. Migraine is next. Doubt is weirdly third? I love that song a lot, but it probably should go down. Ode to Sleep was in my category 4 in my previous rankings (the lowest one, with each song in there having a specific reason to be in there), but has now jumped to spot #7.
Every time I look at Addict with a Pen I feel like it should go up, but then I look at its competition, and I don't know what to do.
Car Radio needs to go up. Badly. I'll do it later.
Let's look at the bottom:
House of Gold is at the bottom, even though it's a beautiful song. My reasoning: It just reminds me of a very specific terrible music video I made. It was so bad.
Love Stressed Out. Which is one thing I should point out. I love all these songs. The ones at the bottom aren't because I dislike them, it's just that all the other songs above it I love even more. Anyway, I was terrible at explaining my feelings for this song last time, so hopefully I'll do a better time this time. The idea is, if I/someone/a fan/a big fan hears someone listening to Stressed Out the first instinct to have is to think they aren't a big fan, and that they just know their most popular songs. (Not that there is anything wrong with someone only listening to only their most popular songs (you know, other than the fact that they're missing out on some great stuff), have to clarify that). So basically, I don't want someone misjudging me and automatically assuming I only know their most popular stuff. Because I know a LOT more. Hope that cleared up that message without seeming dumb. Ask me in person if you have any questions about it.
Granted, then the question is why aren't the other two most popular songs (Ride, and Heathens) down there? And I honestly have no idea. Should really change something about something about that. I mean, I do prefer Stressed Out over Ride, right? Idk.
Oh, yeah the other thing you might have noticed, yet I naturally assume you didn't:
I didn't split up the RAB and Vessel version of songs. They're often so similar (in basically every case except Lovely and Trees) that I felt there would be no use in putting them. Is the Vessel version of Ode to Sleep better than Friend, Please, but suddenly the RAB version of Ode to Sleep is worse? I have little idea. It would be difficult to distinguish between those things, so I just left it as a collective mass.
Ummmm.... what else?
Haven't added Lovely yet for no apparent reason. Not adding their covers or nonofficial stuff (ex. Coconut Sharks in the Water). I'm trying to say "songs by twenty one pilots" to avoid this weird apostrophe thing were I don't know whether it's "pilots's" or "pilots'".
Just a refresh on how I rank the albums, even though I mentioned it in the previous post: 1. Regional at Best 2. Vessel 3. Blurryface 4. Self-Titled
Side Note Thingy: Took a "step back" and looked at how good Vessel is, so now I'm going to do the same with Regional at Best. Because, with Vessel being so good, it seems difficult to have an album above it. But Regional at Best is also just that good. Seriously, it has Guns for Hands, Holding on to You, Ode to Sleep, Car Radio, Kitchen Sink, Anathema, Forest, and Glowing Eyes?! I hold all those songs in basically the highest regard. Be Concerned, Clear, Slowtown, and Ruby are also very solid. Trees is still good, even with it's weirdness. Lovely is the same way.
Even with slightly weaker forms of Guns for Hands, Holding on to You, Ode to Sleep, Car Radio, and (more than slightly weaker form of) Trees; Kitchen Sink, Anathema, Forest, and Glowing Eyes make up for that. Plus Ruby and Slowtown are probably 'more solid' than The Run and Go, Semi-Automatic, and Screen. Be Concerned and Clear are probably on par with those three (except maybe Semi-Automatic, I don't know. I suppose I could just look at my rankings, but whatev.)
That's about it, I guess. Listening to more Imagine Dragons as you could probably tell by the post a little while ago. Bastille is pretty good too.
Replacing the Brandon Sanderson characters list with this one. I'll still keep the characters list in some form some where, just not on my blog. I'll tell you if any changes happen to it. Since it changes so infrequently, it's the first list to get replaced. And the one I'm replacing it with is going to be changing very frequently. I could have organized it more, but I decided to just publish it as is and do some (decently) major updates while it's live.
Anyway, as you can tell from the title and the new list off to the side, this list ranks every single song by twenty one pilots. If you remember back one year ago I ranked all their songs. But those were in gigantic categories. I think I said the next time I would make one, I would mostly get rid of those and have 2-5 songs per category. Well, I got rid of them entirely. Somehow. They are now individually ranked. As I stated before, I have a feeling that this list will shift around quite a bit, and will never have a true ending in any form. With a new album coming out sometime, as I talked about in my previous post, the list will need a large shakeup at that point. I am soooo pumped for that album, you have little idea (I've tried to stop using the phrase 'no idea' since it is rarely true, so you'll have to deal with that for now).
I'm looking at the list right now and I can already see things that I want to shift around.
As you may notice, (if you noticed, you might have just forgotten the existence of the album (even if I mentioned it recently) no No Phun Intended songs are on the list. I find the songs incredibly difficult to rank for some weird reason, so I left them off the list.
Ok, now time to talk about random things about where I ranked certain things, since I do that with all the other lists:
Trees is the top. Migraine is next. Doubt is weirdly third? I love that song a lot, but it probably should go down. Ode to Sleep was in my category 4 in my previous rankings (the lowest one, with each song in there having a specific reason to be in there), but has now jumped to spot #7.
Every time I look at Addict with a Pen I feel like it should go up, but then I look at its competition, and I don't know what to do.
Car Radio needs to go up. Badly. I'll do it later.
Let's look at the bottom:
House of Gold is at the bottom, even though it's a beautiful song. My reasoning: It just reminds me of a very specific terrible music video I made. It was so bad.
Love Stressed Out. Which is one thing I should point out. I love all these songs. The ones at the bottom aren't because I dislike them, it's just that all the other songs above it I love even more. Anyway, I was terrible at explaining my feelings for this song last time, so hopefully I'll do a better time this time. The idea is, if I/someone/a fan/a big fan hears someone listening to Stressed Out the first instinct to have is to think they aren't a big fan, and that they just know their most popular songs. (Not that there is anything wrong with someone only listening to only their most popular songs (you know, other than the fact that they're missing out on some great stuff), have to clarify that). So basically, I don't want someone misjudging me and automatically assuming I only know their most popular stuff. Because I know a LOT more. Hope that cleared up that message without seeming dumb. Ask me in person if you have any questions about it.
Granted, then the question is why aren't the other two most popular songs (Ride, and Heathens) down there? And I honestly have no idea. Should really change something about something about that. I mean, I do prefer Stressed Out over Ride, right? Idk.
Oh, yeah the other thing you might have noticed, yet I naturally assume you didn't:
I didn't split up the RAB and Vessel version of songs. They're often so similar (in basically every case except Lovely and Trees) that I felt there would be no use in putting them. Is the Vessel version of Ode to Sleep better than Friend, Please, but suddenly the RAB version of Ode to Sleep is worse? I have little idea. It would be difficult to distinguish between those things, so I just left it as a collective mass.
Ummmm.... what else?
Haven't added Lovely yet for no apparent reason. Not adding their covers or nonofficial stuff (ex. Coconut Sharks in the Water). I'm trying to say "songs by twenty one pilots" to avoid this weird apostrophe thing were I don't know whether it's "pilots's" or "pilots'".
Just a refresh on how I rank the albums, even though I mentioned it in the previous post: 1. Regional at Best 2. Vessel 3. Blurryface 4. Self-Titled
Side Note Thingy: Took a "step back" and looked at how good Vessel is, so now I'm going to do the same with Regional at Best. Because, with Vessel being so good, it seems difficult to have an album above it. But Regional at Best is also just that good. Seriously, it has Guns for Hands, Holding on to You, Ode to Sleep, Car Radio, Kitchen Sink, Anathema, Forest, and Glowing Eyes?! I hold all those songs in basically the highest regard. Be Concerned, Clear, Slowtown, and Ruby are also very solid. Trees is still good, even with it's weirdness. Lovely is the same way.
Even with slightly weaker forms of Guns for Hands, Holding on to You, Ode to Sleep, Car Radio, and (more than slightly weaker form of) Trees; Kitchen Sink, Anathema, Forest, and Glowing Eyes make up for that. Plus Ruby and Slowtown are probably 'more solid' than The Run and Go, Semi-Automatic, and Screen. Be Concerned and Clear are probably on par with those three (except maybe Semi-Automatic, I don't know. I suppose I could just look at my rankings, but whatev.)
That's about it, I guess. Listening to more Imagine Dragons as you could probably tell by the post a little while ago. Bastille is pretty good too.
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Kind of Lucid dream and three other things (I remember them this time)
Sorry to bother you with more music stuff, and don't worry, you'll get more of it next week. Hope you don't get sick of it. You should only have to hold on one more week, and then you'll have a nice break from it. I'm putting the 'three other things' first with the lucid dream thing after to give you something other than music between.
1. This is more of what I think the new logo will be. In this one, the blue is actually in the position I think it will be. The only difference will be that the white lines and circle will be black. (and obviously the background won't be trees and whatever. It will just by the symbol part)
So, the thing that was supposed to be the main topic of my post before the three things took more space than I thought they would, was about a dream I had recently. It was weird because during the dream in several occasions myself mentioned how he was in a dream. Yet, consciously, I didn't know. I had no control over my actions, and me, myself, didn't realize it was a dream until I woke up. Yet the character the quote on quote portrayed me knew he was in a dream. It was as if he ('I' could also be used here, but, as I mentioned, I didn't have any form of control over this character. Therefore, I'm going to act as if he is a different person than I even if he acted and looked like I did) was breaking the fourth wall.
For example, at one point he noticed how one of my friends was much shorter than he actually was in real life. He thought/said out loud how he should tell that person in real life that he is portrayed as decently short in my dreams. Then, for a second, I guess he forgot he was in a dream because he turned to the friend and was about to tell him that he was short(er) in dreams than in real life. He stopped himself before he said anything, and reminded himself that he was in a dream.
Later, he saw one of my (and I guess his, since we are technically the same person) old teachers. He's like "Hey! I know you!", you know, that sorta thing. Then he's like, "Wait, why am I talking to you, I'm in a dream."
I don't know, it was weird. Especially since, even though the character that is me seemed to know that he was in a dream, I had no knowledge of it, and no control over what was happening whatsoever.
Excited to be more consistent about these blog posts! Have a lot of ideas, and a lot of time that I want to do something that makes me feel productive. Only a six day space? Not even a full week? I know, crazy.
1. This is more of what I think the new logo will be. In this one, the blue is actually in the position I think it will be. The only difference will be that the white lines and circle will be black. (and obviously the background won't be trees and whatever. It will just by the symbol part)
2. Half Alive (don't know how to put a dot in the middle) is really good. They only have three songs out right now, so go check them out. They remind one of twenty one pilots, which is a good thing (obviously). Some people are concerned the Clique (The Clique is what super twenty one pilots fans call themselves (I lowkey call myself a Clique member (in fact, I know I know enough to be fully considered one), but sometimes I don't want to be associated with them)) will backlash due to their similarities between Half Alive and twenty one pilots (there are many similarities, not just in the music style), but overall the response from the Clique seems good, which is good. (They would, allegedly, get backlash because it would seem like they are just trying to copy twenty one pilots. Thought I would clear that up in case you were confused)
3. I recently "took a step back", so to speak, and I've realized how good of an album Vessel is. Seriously, it has Ode to Sleep, Trees, Migraine, Fake You Out, Guns for Hands, Car Radio, and Holding on to You?! I hold all those songs in basically the highest regard. Semi-Automatic, Screen, The Run and Go are also very solid. House of Gold is beautiful (even though... meh, I'll explain next post), and Truce is spot on. The album is just really, really good.
So, the thing that was supposed to be the main topic of my post before the three things took more space than I thought they would, was about a dream I had recently. It was weird because during the dream in several occasions myself mentioned how he was in a dream. Yet, consciously, I didn't know. I had no control over my actions, and me, myself, didn't realize it was a dream until I woke up. Yet the character the quote on quote portrayed me knew he was in a dream. It was as if he ('I' could also be used here, but, as I mentioned, I didn't have any form of control over this character. Therefore, I'm going to act as if he is a different person than I even if he acted and looked like I did) was breaking the fourth wall.
For example, at one point he noticed how one of my friends was much shorter than he actually was in real life. He thought/said out loud how he should tell that person in real life that he is portrayed as decently short in my dreams. Then, for a second, I guess he forgot he was in a dream because he turned to the friend and was about to tell him that he was short(er) in dreams than in real life. He stopped himself before he said anything, and reminded himself that he was in a dream.
Later, he saw one of my (and I guess his, since we are technically the same person) old teachers. He's like "Hey! I know you!", you know, that sorta thing. Then he's like, "Wait, why am I talking to you, I'm in a dream."
I don't know, it was weird. Especially since, even though the character that is me seemed to know that he was in a dream, I had no knowledge of it, and no control over what was happening whatsoever.
Excited to be more consistent about these blog posts! Have a lot of ideas, and a lot of time that I want to do something that makes me feel productive. Only a six day space? Not even a full week? I know, crazy.
Friday, June 23, 2017
Album Theories and two other things
Ok, so, according to rumor twenty one pilots has something happening tomorrow. Originally it was going to be a new album, but a new album would have had pre-orders etc., so it won't be that (unless they randomly drop it, in which case... craziness will ensue). Some people think it's going to be a single or something idk. Anyway, I'm writing and posting this today that way whatever happens tomorrow won't mess up this post (for example if the new album were announced with info (which is actually what I think it will be, if it's anything at all). This way, my predictions/talk won't be useless since the info hasn't come out yet (if that makes any sense).
So, the other rumor that has been going around is that the new album by twenty one pilots is going to called "Echo" or "Echoes". Something to that effect.
With this rumor and other random info and hints as our basis, we can start making speculations. I don't take full credit for any of these ideas. Some of them are slightly different than other peoples, but overall they come from other people's ideas.
1. The main color will be blue (instead of red, like in the Blurryface)
2. The album will focus on the defeat of Blurryface (although the theory that it will deal with Josh's quote on quote "Blurryface" is intriguing (I definitely don't think it's going to be that though))
3. Some lyrics will talk about their new found fame, and how it has affected them
4. Josh Dun will have more backing vocals (he's only had like 2 or 3, I think that this new album will double or triple that number). I do not think he will have any direct singing or be a lead singer for any of the songs (even though that would be super crazy awesome). If he does it will be for 2 songs max. (Granted, if the album is about Josh's "Blurryface" (which, I'll state again, I definitely do not think it will be) it would make a lot of sense for him to do a lot of direct singing)
5. The new symbol will be the white/blue version of this gif. However, I don't think the blue will be the slanted line. I think it will be the straight line with the slanted line black instead (I think that makes sense).

6. There will be at least 1 No Phun Intended song remake. As mentioned in other places, one will most likely be Whisper. I'm predicting between 2-3 remakes.
These remakes are going to do crazy things to song analysis as they will have different meanings depending on which album you take them from. Other remakes have the same meaning as their originally, but now, since it would deal with the defeat of Blurryface, it would put the lyrics in a different light.
7. One or two Regional at Best remakes? I don't actually think this is going to happen, I'm just putting it here because it would be cool.
8. "Echoes" will be an overall solid album that will be many people's favorite album by twenty one pilots. However, for me, it will be slightly behind Vessel (Suppose I should tell you how I ranked all the albums: 1. Regional at Best 2. Vessel 3. Blurryface 4. Self-Titled). Slightly behind Vessel, it will be close, but the difference will exist.
9. Doesn't quite apply to "Echoes", but close enough: The album that will be after "Echoes" is going to be, like, the best album ever created. For realz, it will be just that good. I'm probably getting my self too hyped over an album that is 4-5 years away, but I have strong suspensions that it will live up to the hype I'm creating.
10. The album that will be after "Echoes" will go back to the original logo (but perhaps with the thin lines we see in the above logo? Idk, it's too far away to think more about it):

11. Predicting semi-random thing that just feels right: There will be exactly 13 songs.
12. "Echoes" will not be a character, at least not in the same vein as Blurryface was. I think it will be a force of some form. It will be ok/proper to ask "What/who is/are the Echoes?". Which is different than Blurryface, since the proper question there is "Who is Blurryface?", and never "What is Blurryface?" or "What is a Blurryface?" (seriously, never do that).
13. The "Echoes" will have part to deal with the support Tyler gets, and perhaps has something to deal with the fans (specifically the fans singing back to him (making "Echoes" make kinda sense))
14. The album will show traces of Blurryface. In some way show that he is always there, never truly defeated, but that doesn't mean all is lost etc.
Yep, those are my album theories/predictions. On to the 'two other things'.
1. I forget what my first thing was.
2. If you could do me a favor, look up Snake Pass for the Nintendo Switch, and report back to me if you think it's worth getting. E-mail or otherwise. It would be really nice.
So, the other rumor that has been going around is that the new album by twenty one pilots is going to called "Echo" or "Echoes". Something to that effect.
With this rumor and other random info and hints as our basis, we can start making speculations. I don't take full credit for any of these ideas. Some of them are slightly different than other peoples, but overall they come from other people's ideas.
1. The main color will be blue (instead of red, like in the Blurryface)
2. The album will focus on the defeat of Blurryface (although the theory that it will deal with Josh's quote on quote "Blurryface" is intriguing (I definitely don't think it's going to be that though))
3. Some lyrics will talk about their new found fame, and how it has affected them
4. Josh Dun will have more backing vocals (he's only had like 2 or 3, I think that this new album will double or triple that number). I do not think he will have any direct singing or be a lead singer for any of the songs (even though that would be super crazy awesome). If he does it will be for 2 songs max. (Granted, if the album is about Josh's "Blurryface" (which, I'll state again, I definitely do not think it will be) it would make a lot of sense for him to do a lot of direct singing)
5. The new symbol will be the white/blue version of this gif. However, I don't think the blue will be the slanted line. I think it will be the straight line with the slanted line black instead (I think that makes sense).

6. There will be at least 1 No Phun Intended song remake. As mentioned in other places, one will most likely be Whisper. I'm predicting between 2-3 remakes.
These remakes are going to do crazy things to song analysis as they will have different meanings depending on which album you take them from. Other remakes have the same meaning as their originally, but now, since it would deal with the defeat of Blurryface, it would put the lyrics in a different light.
7. One or two Regional at Best remakes? I don't actually think this is going to happen, I'm just putting it here because it would be cool.
8. "Echoes" will be an overall solid album that will be many people's favorite album by twenty one pilots. However, for me, it will be slightly behind Vessel (Suppose I should tell you how I ranked all the albums: 1. Regional at Best 2. Vessel 3. Blurryface 4. Self-Titled). Slightly behind Vessel, it will be close, but the difference will exist.
9. Doesn't quite apply to "Echoes", but close enough: The album that will be after "Echoes" is going to be, like, the best album ever created. For realz, it will be just that good. I'm probably getting my self too hyped over an album that is 4-5 years away, but I have strong suspensions that it will live up to the hype I'm creating.
10. The album that will be after "Echoes" will go back to the original logo (but perhaps with the thin lines we see in the above logo? Idk, it's too far away to think more about it):

11. Predicting semi-random thing that just feels right: There will be exactly 13 songs.
12. "Echoes" will not be a character, at least not in the same vein as Blurryface was. I think it will be a force of some form. It will be ok/proper to ask "What/who is/are the Echoes?". Which is different than Blurryface, since the proper question there is "Who is Blurryface?", and never "What is Blurryface?" or "What is a Blurryface?" (seriously, never do that).
13. The "Echoes" will have part to deal with the support Tyler gets, and perhaps has something to deal with the fans (specifically the fans singing back to him (making "Echoes" make kinda sense))
14. The album will show traces of Blurryface. In some way show that he is always there, never truly defeated, but that doesn't mean all is lost etc.
Yep, those are my album theories/predictions. On to the 'two other things'.
1. I forget what my first thing was.
2. If you could do me a favor, look up Snake Pass for the Nintendo Switch, and report back to me if you think it's worth getting. E-mail or otherwise. It would be really nice.
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Night Visions
Ok, I just want every one to realize that Night Visions (deluxe or other) is one of the best modern albums ever. Just so every one is aware. (I'll talk about twenty one pilots later. So don't go around thinking I'm converted)
Monday, May 22, 2017
Yeah, boiiiiiiii
Thursday, May 4, 2017
Humble Bundle, Things Galore
I haven’t posted in awhile. I have had tons of stuff (still do, for that matter).
Did my AP exam for psychology. Feel as though I did pretty well. I’m pretty sure I got a 4 or a 5, just not sure which one. AP exam for English is coming up on Wednesday next week. The Reading End of Course Exam and the Writing EOC exam are the two days before it, so I’m going to have a lot of English next week.
Rough Draft of our paper in AP English is due next Thursday.
Still have yet to Conference with Mr. Nelson for our paper that was supposed to be due at the end of last quarter. I’m not sure if he’s forgotten about me or what, so I’m going to go talk to him sometime in the very near future.
Have an annoying H. Chem project for a Final instead of a normal final.
AP psych feels over since we’ve taken the AP exam, but we still actually have stuff to do.
Anyway, in more exciting news, got the Brandon Sanderson Humble Bundle thingy. Payed/Donated/Whatever you want to call it $15.01. Only one cent over the minimum to get all the things, cause I’m a poor High School student that is going to get a Switch sometime.
I finished White Sand pretty quickly. It was decent.
I’m trying to get the Graphic Audio things onto my phone, so I can listen to it easier, but am having very little success.
Track is basically over. Tomorrow is the last ‘official’ practice that I actually have to go to. Still debating on whether I’m going to go next week. Not going on Monday due to Tennis practice, but might go the other days.
School is wrapping up. Not sure what I’m going to do with my life when it is over. Probably going to hang out with friends this summer than I have any other.
Need to do good on my English Final to keep my semester grade at an ‘A’, but due to some lame people, we’re not doing an official final, instead it’s just a vocab test and a paper. Last time I got an 89% on the final, so it would have been nice just to have a normal one, but we’ll see how I do on this paper. I really don’t like it. Scared I might get a ‘B’ in the class. It would be the first ‘B’ for a class I would have ever received. I’ve only ever gotten ‘A’s, so this is a little weird.
Sunday, April 2, 2017
Newest Board Game list
Finally getting around to this blogpost, should have done this awhile ago. Writing this in A.P. English. Currently, we’re supposed to be ‘being productive’ with the obvious choice being to read our book assignment. I consider this being decently productive, so I don’t really feel guilty. (forgot to post it until today, however)
Anyway, talking about random parts of the list. Caverna came up as #1, which was interesting. I didn’t expect it to be that when I started playing it, but it is reeeeaaaalllly gooood. I still have yet to play with more than two players, but it is still this good. I really want to play with more, though, so I know what it’s like.
Seafall was fantastic. It didn’t automatically jump to number one like Pandemic: Legacy did when we finished that for a couple reasons. The main being the rules were confusing. We had so many misunderstandings. Ripping up cards we shouldn’t have (and then later realizing that we were actually correct in ripping it up in the first place), enmity being kinda confusing etc.
I added Codenames: Pictures because we are currently in position of it (and still kept Kingsburg up even though we’re not).
7 Wonders: Duel continues to drop for no apparent reason.
Ashes still holds a strong position even though I rarely play it. The community and meta and such keep me engaged, however. New expansions have been (kind of) revealed with previews starting up sometime.
Hearthstone is pretty high up there. I don’t play it as much as I want, but I do watch a lot of it on youtube, soooo…
Fresco, I feel, could be up with Alhambra and them, but with no real group to play it with (I should try and get the Jamiesons to play it sometime) and not liking the two player variant that much leaves it in an unfortunate position.
Almost forgot to mention Viticulture, which barely missed the position for number 1. My first impressions of all the games told me that it would, eventually, reign king, but Caverna stepped in as being super crazy awesome.
The past few times I’ve forgotten to add pictures of how much ripped up stuff Seafall and Pandemic: Legacy created, but here they are for your viewing pleasure:
Except for the fact that I can't seem to find the Pandemic stuff. Eric, if you happen to know where it is, or have it, send it to me please.
Anyway, this blog post took a shorter amount of time to write than expected.
Changing the list so it goes by 5s instead of 1s to make it easier to update it.
Anyway, talking about random parts of the list. Caverna came up as #1, which was interesting. I didn’t expect it to be that when I started playing it, but it is reeeeaaaalllly gooood. I still have yet to play with more than two players, but it is still this good. I really want to play with more, though, so I know what it’s like.
Seafall was fantastic. It didn’t automatically jump to number one like Pandemic: Legacy did when we finished that for a couple reasons. The main being the rules were confusing. We had so many misunderstandings. Ripping up cards we shouldn’t have (and then later realizing that we were actually correct in ripping it up in the first place), enmity being kinda confusing etc.
I added Codenames: Pictures because we are currently in position of it (and still kept Kingsburg up even though we’re not).
7 Wonders: Duel continues to drop for no apparent reason.
Ashes still holds a strong position even though I rarely play it. The community and meta and such keep me engaged, however. New expansions have been (kind of) revealed with previews starting up sometime.
Hearthstone is pretty high up there. I don’t play it as much as I want, but I do watch a lot of it on youtube, soooo…
Fresco, I feel, could be up with Alhambra and them, but with no real group to play it with (I should try and get the Jamiesons to play it sometime) and not liking the two player variant that much leaves it in an unfortunate position.
Almost forgot to mention Viticulture, which barely missed the position for number 1. My first impressions of all the games told me that it would, eventually, reign king, but Caverna stepped in as being super crazy awesome.
The past few times I’ve forgotten to add pictures of how much ripped up stuff Seafall and Pandemic: Legacy created, but here they are for your viewing pleasure:
Except for the fact that I can't seem to find the Pandemic stuff. Eric, if you happen to know where it is, or have it, send it to me please.
Anyway, this blog post took a shorter amount of time to write than expected.
Changing the list so it goes by 5s instead of 1s to make it easier to update it.
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Guess I’m leaving the board game post off for another week cause I feel like it. Anyway (or anyways, don’t really know what to put anymore after a friend said they preferred just saying ‘anyway’ when I hadn’t even really noticed that they were interchangeable (basically, interchangeable, anyway. (see there I’m pretty sure you could only use ‘anyway’ and not ‘anyways’ but maybe I’m wrong))), today’s topic is how I feel like I’m in this cool minority. Not because of my religion, or gender identity, or race or etc. etc., but instead because of what my hobbies/interests are.
I’m talking about a few specific topics being: Great grades, Anime, Board Games, Tennis, and twenty one pilots.
Obviously there many people in each of these categories individually, but having them together makes me feel as though I’m part of a select few.
Let’s start off with Board Games, for example. As the people who read this blog know, you will be very hard-pressed to find someone who knows and plays board games other than the Monopoly etc.
Same with Anime. I’ve been kind of surprised by the amount of people in my various classes who aren’t into anime. I expected more. Sure, I’ve found, like, two, which, granted, is still two more than board game players, but is still not a lot. (I’m pretty sure those 5 commas in a row are correct).
Tennis is obviously in a similar boat. Sure more people know about it, but still, not a lot of people play it, or give it the respect that I feel it deserves.
Twenty one pilots (beginning of a sentence, so I guess it’s fine to have twenty capitalized) is definitely the most known/respect/renown thing out of these, but how deep it is is still kind of obscure. A lot of people know twenty one pilots due to their smash three songs (Ride, Heathens, and, of course, Stressed Out), but how many of those people know about their other albums (AKA not Blurryface (so Vessel, Regional at Best, Self-Titled, and, if you count it, No Phun Intended)) or their hidden gems that aren’t even in an album (AKA, one of the best songs ever created Coconut Sharks In The Water or the things they sometimes do that aren’t, you know, music (a prime example being What’s Your Story).
And of course, the final thing is having straight A’s. Which isn’t really a thing you know about or do, but more of just ‘have’. So it’s in a slightly different area, but it still applies to me, so it counts.
Anyway, point being, I know/have all of these things. A thing that I think very, very, very few other people also have.
And I feel as though there is a similar thing between them. The fact that you (referring to the general populous of the world) don’t know about them. That if you don’t like it or, at the very least, respect it, then it’s because you’re ignorant.
You don’t like board games? Well, what board games have you played? Only Monopoly, Risk, and very few others? Yea, you don’t know what you’re talking about.
You don’t like anime? Well, what anime have you watched? Only Naruto and Sword Art Online? Yea, you don’t know what you’re talking about.
You don’t like tennis? Well, have you ever played tennis? No? Yea, you don’t know what you’re talking about.
You don’t like twenty one pilots? Well, have you listened to any of their songs? Only Stressed Out, Ride, and Heathens? Yea, you don’t know what you’re talking about.
Not bashing on any of those games, anime, or songs (well, except Monopoly, I’ll always bash on Monopoly) it’s just that that is a very, very small sample size of all that you could be getting. Ex. A person doesn’t like board games because they’re long and boring. They are making an opinion off the fact that Monopoly and Risk are usually long and boring (of which I tend to agree). However, they are spreading it to all board games.
The same analogy/idea could be spread to the other topics as well.
Don't feel like rereading the post again for mistakes, so I'm posting it.
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